The same topic was covered in Svenska dagbladet ( ) a while ago, so it’s apparently the same here in Sweden. You see a lot of dads running around in Stockholm with strollers actually. Sweden and other Scandinavian countries score very high on Hofstede’s cultural factor of femininity/feminine values. The higher fertility of high-IQ men in Scandinavia could be a reflection of the level of agreeableness in our population, but I wonder if you for example see the same trend in Japan (very masculine cultural values but an agreeable population).
Japan has low fertility rate especially in Tokyo s othat makes sense.... highly urban environment IMHO favors feminine traits by being super social environment.
Look CEOs of companies, they are very diplomatic and sensitive to use of words, despite many of them men, very feminine traits traditionally, but that is expected in that role among other things (especially when they talk in public).
Sadly I dont know Japan that well so can only guess but global markets may eventually push their cultural values to same "nordic" direction for these same reasons... ie dont push any customer segment away saying anything offensive or even perceived that way. In nordics is special that men and women are at least to some degree judged by same standards, while japan still has somewhat strong gender roles (not sure are those changing now with economic pressures or not) + their feminine/masculine perception is quite different from western,nordic or anglosaxon ones.
Albeit quite marginal nowadays, Id still be curious are rural people similar or different in these things, ie are trends uniform or regional by (social) environment in nordics.
Id make distinction that nordics leadership towards workers is considerate to put in one word, while in US they see it more to emphasize those roles by talking down on lower level in hierarchy (even if they are not that like person in charge). This is characteristic of smaller country where options are not endless like in US, so cant burn bridges in career. Maybe agreeableness is result of this lack of options?
Nato – en antivit och familjefientlig institution . . .
Efter apokalypsen 1945 har som bekant en rad globala organisationer bildats med syfte att upprätthålla och expandera den totalitära liberalismen. En av de tidigaste organisationer som bildades i detta syfte var krigsalliansen ”Nordatlantiska fördragsorganisationen”, eller Nato, som kan ses som globalismens militära gren.
Förutom att försäkra att Washington alltid har internationellt stöd för sina militära kampanjer är Nato som institution uttalat antivit och uttryckligen dedikerad till ”raslig rättvisa” för rasfrämlingar som bor i vita länder. Redan 1999 författade Nato rapporter där man skyller en rad moderna problem på nationalister och varnar för nationalismens inflytande.
Under 2023 höll krigsalliansen ett toppmöte på högkvarteret i Bryssel om ras där krigsalliansens ledare bedyrade att bekämpa ”homogena attityder” och att man skulle använda Natos ”kollektiva underrättelseinformation” för ändamålet.
Faktum är att Nato är så dedikerat till sin antivita agenda att man öppet förespråkar att institutioner måste omformas för att bli ”inkluderande”, med andra ord omstruktureras för att bli mer antivita och bestå av färre vita anställda och chefer.
Just in a week I noticed very similar title of swedish results, which makes me think rest of nordics should have same phenomenom. With caveat of course as Jordan Peterson points out, IQ with neurotic trait (with some autistic people) that shouldnt work out, but with high IQ + social aptitude (at least no characteristic to block in social context using IQ and other skillset to get higher in career), this subset of men in current pro social cultural and business climate, should go along.
What Ive learned from economists explaining nordic model, is that relatively high basic welfare level allows bad low productivity jobs to die out (2021 US experiment with stimchecks) which makes incentive for companies and gov should follow suit, to invest in automation and other productivity gains rather than hire more cheap labor. Then high IQ is big benefit to master bigger and bigger systems running on automation, so automation can be applied (AI caveat is that there must be people who at least some systemic level know what is happening and pros and cons and location in "pipeline" of that company where AI sits, eg crude analog google search is no good to exist if person dont know how to use and cannot teach oneself). So Idiocracy(2006) meme shouldnt apply in nordics and these studies show like Ed confirmed. Im not familiar with UK,US and other anglosaxon models to know situation there.
This economic model, cofactored with that welfare social policy, is what also boosted nordic countries to top strata in countries with wealth. Though now since 2008 differences have started to emerge which is interesting what factors could play here, that Finland has been left behind others and sweden despite problems is on its own class despite no considerable natural resources and huge immigration as their burden.
AFAIK Ive seen studies where IQ level has some optimal point, perhaps 115-120, as in extremes there start to be so many detrimental effects especially in social context, that this family life aspect, heavily reliant on that, starts to slope down. (Im most interested how strong high IQ + depression direct correlation without any ADHD,autism or other overlapping issues, is...)
For example throughout 2000s , Denmark was top countries to use antidepression medication, numbers were staggering in nordic/european context (we know US is in different class in these), so I wonder is it conflict of taking self responsibility(individualism) characteristics from US and other systems while nordic, small country model is very dependent on getting along fluently... Denmark also has big successful pharma industry that has some effect, and looking to US copying cultural aspects too fast. Denmark has though revised their jobmarket policy a lot since that period and it seems to work best among nordics now.
Extreme individualism in US to earn income and your only responsible explains with competition this drug use phenomenom, but how does it fit in europe. One factor could be low ethnocentricity in all nordics, like in sweden case, which as downside is very vulnerable to cultural aspects copied from all over world and not properly assessed and applied to local cultural context, sort of brute force pushing it to people from top down, and swedish style consensus(resembles japanese, but I think is nowadays different) culture makes really hard to give differing feedback(Im pretty sure all nordics have a word for this, mocking those who try to voice doubt or hesitancy to new things pushed on them).
I heard as football fan that european hobby of football was considered very middle class since 70s,80s and that pressure has only gone up despite anecdotes made from poorer countries of how low entry this supposedly is. But point is, nordics and european countries are very upper middle class, meaning money is important to have family, now even more so than 50 years ago. Studies show IQ correlates decently well to middle to upper middle class income level. Also big cities where all jobs increasingly are, is complex environment both socially and otherwise, where higher IQ is benefit to just plan daily life logistics let alone social "logistics" and planning. The richer country is, the more money is emphasized as need to buy everything needed in life and food tends to be relatively more expensive in wealthy country than other places + expectation is to have hobbies also, which also cost. Also people in more homogenous places are gatekeepers to have job, so that works as even evolutionary bottleneck... nobody picks unemployed man. Also being in urban environment means there is tougher to have other relatives as help, so "more feminine" man is great benefit and may be even requirement for survival for kids. Of course IQ is not only one selector, urban environment(or smaller town but globalized very fast paced lifestyle in west nowadays) is highly stressful (ie alcohol mentioned), so smart,educated person can be unemployed simply by those other factors, likely selected out of family prospects. I can tell having no wealth(ie apartment or house) and being smart is no benefit nowadays, as lot of things still require money and being without, is highly stressful, but could like mentioned, work out in middle age.... though those youth with sensible parents and some wealth give huge headstart timewise to life(should be worth considerable amount of IQ points).... and time window is limited, hard to find good job past 35. They've talked how small current birth gens are in nordics, I didnt see that mentioned but is logical consequence of these above mentioned reasons.
He said it... status is key word, too much alcohol and loose job, or never get one, and you're out. If are high status and steady job, no problem... if one is millionaire, can have serious alcohol problem as long as dont have domestic violence problem and keep job.
you are right that it is more of symptom than reason... similar way as drug use in midwest US or even in UK high unemployment regions is simply anything to fill void for these people.
Jordan Peterson talked of status and Dutton here again confirmed it is more important for men than women.
Caveat of course that some jobs can be relatively low IQ (not 80 though) but still have above average status if social skills and aptitude is above average, ie get promotion to leader. This is often higher factor status type than traditional high IQ/high skill because it transfers to all aspects of life in local setting, assuming pro-social,pro-family attitude.
The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.
The same topic was covered in Svenska dagbladet ( ) a while ago, so it’s apparently the same here in Sweden. You see a lot of dads running around in Stockholm with strollers actually. Sweden and other Scandinavian countries score very high on Hofstede’s cultural factor of femininity/feminine values. The higher fertility of high-IQ men in Scandinavia could be a reflection of the level of agreeableness in our population, but I wonder if you for example see the same trend in Japan (very masculine cultural values but an agreeable population).
Japan has low fertility rate especially in Tokyo s othat makes sense.... highly urban environment IMHO favors feminine traits by being super social environment.
Look CEOs of companies, they are very diplomatic and sensitive to use of words, despite many of them men, very feminine traits traditionally, but that is expected in that role among other things (especially when they talk in public).
Sadly I dont know Japan that well so can only guess but global markets may eventually push their cultural values to same "nordic" direction for these same reasons... ie dont push any customer segment away saying anything offensive or even perceived that way. In nordics is special that men and women are at least to some degree judged by same standards, while japan still has somewhat strong gender roles (not sure are those changing now with economic pressures or not) + their feminine/masculine perception is quite different from western,nordic or anglosaxon ones.
Albeit quite marginal nowadays, Id still be curious are rural people similar or different in these things, ie are trends uniform or regional by (social) environment in nordics.
Id make distinction that nordics leadership towards workers is considerate to put in one word, while in US they see it more to emphasize those roles by talking down on lower level in hierarchy (even if they are not that like person in charge). This is characteristic of smaller country where options are not endless like in US, so cant burn bridges in career. Maybe agreeableness is result of this lack of options?
Nato – en antivit och familjefientlig institution . . .
Efter apokalypsen 1945 har som bekant en rad globala organisationer bildats med syfte att upprätthålla och expandera den totalitära liberalismen. En av de tidigaste organisationer som bildades i detta syfte var krigsalliansen ”Nordatlantiska fördragsorganisationen”, eller Nato, som kan ses som globalismens militära gren.
Förutom att försäkra att Washington alltid har internationellt stöd för sina militära kampanjer är Nato som institution uttalat antivit och uttryckligen dedikerad till ”raslig rättvisa” för rasfrämlingar som bor i vita länder. Redan 1999 författade Nato rapporter där man skyller en rad moderna problem på nationalister och varnar för nationalismens inflytande.
Under 2023 höll krigsalliansen ett toppmöte på högkvarteret i Bryssel om ras där krigsalliansens ledare bedyrade att bekämpa ”homogena attityder” och att man skulle använda Natos ”kollektiva underrättelseinformation” för ändamålet.
Faktum är att Nato är så dedikerat till sin antivita agenda att man öppet förespråkar att institutioner måste omformas för att bli ”inkluderande”, med andra ord omstruktureras för att bli mer antivita och bestå av färre vita anställda och chefer.
Just in a week I noticed very similar title of swedish results, which makes me think rest of nordics should have same phenomenom. With caveat of course as Jordan Peterson points out, IQ with neurotic trait (with some autistic people) that shouldnt work out, but with high IQ + social aptitude (at least no characteristic to block in social context using IQ and other skillset to get higher in career), this subset of men in current pro social cultural and business climate, should go along.
What Ive learned from economists explaining nordic model, is that relatively high basic welfare level allows bad low productivity jobs to die out (2021 US experiment with stimchecks) which makes incentive for companies and gov should follow suit, to invest in automation and other productivity gains rather than hire more cheap labor. Then high IQ is big benefit to master bigger and bigger systems running on automation, so automation can be applied (AI caveat is that there must be people who at least some systemic level know what is happening and pros and cons and location in "pipeline" of that company where AI sits, eg crude analog google search is no good to exist if person dont know how to use and cannot teach oneself). So Idiocracy(2006) meme shouldnt apply in nordics and these studies show like Ed confirmed. Im not familiar with UK,US and other anglosaxon models to know situation there.
This economic model, cofactored with that welfare social policy, is what also boosted nordic countries to top strata in countries with wealth. Though now since 2008 differences have started to emerge which is interesting what factors could play here, that Finland has been left behind others and sweden despite problems is on its own class despite no considerable natural resources and huge immigration as their burden.
AFAIK Ive seen studies where IQ level has some optimal point, perhaps 115-120, as in extremes there start to be so many detrimental effects especially in social context, that this family life aspect, heavily reliant on that, starts to slope down. (Im most interested how strong high IQ + depression direct correlation without any ADHD,autism or other overlapping issues, is...)
For example throughout 2000s , Denmark was top countries to use antidepression medication, numbers were staggering in nordic/european context (we know US is in different class in these), so I wonder is it conflict of taking self responsibility(individualism) characteristics from US and other systems while nordic, small country model is very dependent on getting along fluently... Denmark also has big successful pharma industry that has some effect, and looking to US copying cultural aspects too fast. Denmark has though revised their jobmarket policy a lot since that period and it seems to work best among nordics now.
Extreme individualism in US to earn income and your only responsible explains with competition this drug use phenomenom, but how does it fit in europe. One factor could be low ethnocentricity in all nordics, like in sweden case, which as downside is very vulnerable to cultural aspects copied from all over world and not properly assessed and applied to local cultural context, sort of brute force pushing it to people from top down, and swedish style consensus(resembles japanese, but I think is nowadays different) culture makes really hard to give differing feedback(Im pretty sure all nordics have a word for this, mocking those who try to voice doubt or hesitancy to new things pushed on them).
I heard as football fan that european hobby of football was considered very middle class since 70s,80s and that pressure has only gone up despite anecdotes made from poorer countries of how low entry this supposedly is. But point is, nordics and european countries are very upper middle class, meaning money is important to have family, now even more so than 50 years ago. Studies show IQ correlates decently well to middle to upper middle class income level. Also big cities where all jobs increasingly are, is complex environment both socially and otherwise, where higher IQ is benefit to just plan daily life logistics let alone social "logistics" and planning. The richer country is, the more money is emphasized as need to buy everything needed in life and food tends to be relatively more expensive in wealthy country than other places + expectation is to have hobbies also, which also cost. Also people in more homogenous places are gatekeepers to have job, so that works as even evolutionary bottleneck... nobody picks unemployed man. Also being in urban environment means there is tougher to have other relatives as help, so "more feminine" man is great benefit and may be even requirement for survival for kids. Of course IQ is not only one selector, urban environment(or smaller town but globalized very fast paced lifestyle in west nowadays) is highly stressful (ie alcohol mentioned), so smart,educated person can be unemployed simply by those other factors, likely selected out of family prospects. I can tell having no wealth(ie apartment or house) and being smart is no benefit nowadays, as lot of things still require money and being without, is highly stressful, but could like mentioned, work out in middle age.... though those youth with sensible parents and some wealth give huge headstart timewise to life(should be worth considerable amount of IQ points).... and time window is limited, hard to find good job past 35. They've talked how small current birth gens are in nordics, I didnt see that mentioned but is logical consequence of these above mentioned reasons.
He said it... status is key word, too much alcohol and loose job, or never get one, and you're out. If are high status and steady job, no problem... if one is millionaire, can have serious alcohol problem as long as dont have domestic violence problem and keep job.
you are right that it is more of symptom than reason... similar way as drug use in midwest US or even in UK high unemployment regions is simply anything to fill void for these people.
Jordan Peterson talked of status and Dutton here again confirmed it is more important for men than women.
Caveat of course that some jobs can be relatively low IQ (not 80 though) but still have above average status if social skills and aptitude is above average, ie get promotion to leader. This is often higher factor status type than traditional high IQ/high skill because it transfers to all aspects of life in local setting, assuming pro-social,pro-family attitude.
The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.