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The same topic was covered in Svenska dagbladet ( ) a while ago, so it’s apparently the same here in Sweden. You see a lot of dads running around in Stockholm with strollers actually. Sweden and other Scandinavian countries score very high on Hofstede’s cultural factor of femininity/feminine values. The higher fertility of high-IQ men in Scandinavia could be a reflection of the level of agreeableness in our population, but I wonder if you for example see the same trend in Japan (very masculine cultural values but an agreeable population).
Just in a week I noticed very similar title of swedish results, which makes me think rest of nordics should have same phenomenom. With caveat of course as Jordan Peterson points out, IQ with neurotic trait (with some autistic people) that shouldnt work out, but with high IQ + social aptitude (at least no characteristic to block in social context using IQ and other skillset to get higher in career), this subset of men in current pro social cultural and business climate, should go along.
What Ive learned from economists explaining nordic model, is that relatively high basic welfare level allows bad low productivity jobs to die out (2021 US experiment with stimchecks) which makes incentive for companies and gov should follow suit, to invest in automation and other productivity gains rather than hire more cheap labor. Then high IQ is big benefit to master bigger and bigger systems running on automation, so automation can be applied (AI caveat is that there must be people who at least some systemic level know what is happening and pros and cons and location in "pipeline" of that company where AI sits, eg crude analog google search is no good to exist if person dont know how to use and cannot teach oneself). So Idiocracy(2006) meme shouldnt apply in nordics and these studies show like Ed confirmed. Im not familiar with UK,US and other anglosaxon models to know situation there.
This economic model, cofactored with that welfare social policy, is what also boosted nordic countries to top strata in countries with wealth. Though now since 2008 differences have started to emerge which is interesting what factors could play here, that Finland has been left behind others and sweden despite problems is on its own class despite no considerable natural resources and huge immigration as their burden.
AFAIK Ive seen studies where IQ level has some optimal point, perhaps 115-120, as in extremes there start to be so many detrimental effects especially in social context, that this family life aspect, heavily reliant on that, starts to slope down. (Im most interested how strong high IQ + depression direct correlation without any ADHD,autism or other overlapping issues, is...)
For example throughout 2000s , Denmark was top countries to use antidepression medication, numbers were staggering in nordic/european context (we know US is in different class in these), so I wonder is it conflict of taking self responsibility(individualism) characteristics from US and other systems while nordic, small country model is very dependent on getting along fluently... Denmark also has big successful pharma industry that has some effect, and looking to US copying cultural aspects too fast. Denmark has though revised their jobmarket policy a lot since that period and it seems to work best among nordics now.
Extreme individualism in US to earn income and your only responsible explains with competition this drug use phenomenom, but how does it fit in europe. One factor could be low ethnocentricity in all nordics, like in sweden case, which as downside is very vulnerable to cultural aspects copied from all over world and not properly assessed and applied to local cultural context, sort of brute force pushing it to people from top down, and swedish style consensus(resembles japanese, but I think is nowadays different) culture makes really hard to give differing feedback(Im pretty sure all nordics have a word for this, mocking those who try to voice doubt or hesitancy to new things pushed on them).