"...overwhelmingly, it's genetics that predict how intelligent you’re going to be and, therefore, what socioeconomic status you’re going to achieve…”
Looking at the current state of the intellectual capacity of the incumbents of the Houses of Parliament in London, it’s increasingly difficult to resist the theory that our country is not truly governed by these useful idiots but, instead, by a deep state and/or a nefarious cabal. The vast majority of MPs are overt liberals whose lack of empathy alone would exclude them from public service in a decent society. How else could so many demonstrably intellectually average individuals (dare I say midwits?) rise to such socioeconomic status?
I have been intrigued by how Dr Dutton's ideas have been completely overlooked by most self-described intellectuals. What can't be refuted gets ignored. The Dunning-Kruger effect is very real and seems to be having an outsized effect on the populace these days.
Dunning Kruger is definitely part of it. Selection criteria for some aspects in society are there for a reason and thus (if we assume selection criteria is well crafted) leaves those not qualified as hobbyists. From my own experience related to computer science, anecdote is that most of students dream of making a game during studies (Im pretty sure every other profession has similar aspirations). However, that work as a job is quite underpaid and not as exciting as one would think. So common anecdote is that people do "boring stuff" during day, but get paid decently, and pursue their aspirations at evening/weekends/holidays. Problem with hobbyist projects are those are never finished(on time), they have to be always new inspiration and excitement and so one peculiar bias how topics are selected. Especially that kind of thing , common bicycle which has been perfectly solved and done excellently by someone, hardly gives excitement but mere dull feeling that gotta do this like others wiser have done before. At work this is constant thing, but best thing usually. Sure outliers exist like Dutton said of genious people not able to get into institutions so they stubbornly do their task as hobby. Though Id put caveat here we mostly see those who managed to make something useful out of it, while every other person has these aspirations and never manage to do something benefit + that obsession type thing sticking to one spesific narrow area, which is rare generally in life and lottery pick in that sometimes that lets achievement go, but often obsessions just lead to fields that have no solution or solution should be helped by wider picture, other aligning fields opening some paths.
Then perhaps in many cases excitement is the goal, not how it was done. Intellectuals need inspiration to start things too. Putting effort has it value too, though it becomes problem only when societal level resources are allocated by fake intellectualism.
It seems with latest say 4 years recurring problem has been (dont know how to align with Dunning Kruger) that experts and people doing their job have warned that something is happening and need to prepare, but it was not taken seriously and then when it is too late, paralysis of mind happens or some disaster hits. It is not of being high IQ either, as I can think many cases where smart people have ignored it aswell, brushed off for some reason. This is nothing new with academics talking and ignored, but then again society has plenty of so called expert jobs that are not academics but role is to be guarddog for something.
Perhaps common people internet speak for Dunning Kruger is darwin award, meaning people having this problem would die accidentally eventually. But in ideas domain there is no such danger for that person.
Damn! .. there goes my theory my life could have been changed if I was given a bike.
The fault is in ourselves, dear parameter, not in our stars, that we are underlings.
"...overwhelmingly, it's genetics that predict how intelligent you’re going to be and, therefore, what socioeconomic status you’re going to achieve…”
Looking at the current state of the intellectual capacity of the incumbents of the Houses of Parliament in London, it’s increasingly difficult to resist the theory that our country is not truly governed by these useful idiots but, instead, by a deep state and/or a nefarious cabal. The vast majority of MPs are overt liberals whose lack of empathy alone would exclude them from public service in a decent society. How else could so many demonstrably intellectually average individuals (dare I say midwits?) rise to such socioeconomic status?
I have been intrigued by how Dr Dutton's ideas have been completely overlooked by most self-described intellectuals. What can't be refuted gets ignored. The Dunning-Kruger effect is very real and seems to be having an outsized effect on the populace these days.
Dunning Kruger is definitely part of it. Selection criteria for some aspects in society are there for a reason and thus (if we assume selection criteria is well crafted) leaves those not qualified as hobbyists. From my own experience related to computer science, anecdote is that most of students dream of making a game during studies (Im pretty sure every other profession has similar aspirations). However, that work as a job is quite underpaid and not as exciting as one would think. So common anecdote is that people do "boring stuff" during day, but get paid decently, and pursue their aspirations at evening/weekends/holidays. Problem with hobbyist projects are those are never finished(on time), they have to be always new inspiration and excitement and so one peculiar bias how topics are selected. Especially that kind of thing , common bicycle which has been perfectly solved and done excellently by someone, hardly gives excitement but mere dull feeling that gotta do this like others wiser have done before. At work this is constant thing, but best thing usually. Sure outliers exist like Dutton said of genious people not able to get into institutions so they stubbornly do their task as hobby. Though Id put caveat here we mostly see those who managed to make something useful out of it, while every other person has these aspirations and never manage to do something benefit + that obsession type thing sticking to one spesific narrow area, which is rare generally in life and lottery pick in that sometimes that lets achievement go, but often obsessions just lead to fields that have no solution or solution should be helped by wider picture, other aligning fields opening some paths.
Then perhaps in many cases excitement is the goal, not how it was done. Intellectuals need inspiration to start things too. Putting effort has it value too, though it becomes problem only when societal level resources are allocated by fake intellectualism.
It seems with latest say 4 years recurring problem has been (dont know how to align with Dunning Kruger) that experts and people doing their job have warned that something is happening and need to prepare, but it was not taken seriously and then when it is too late, paralysis of mind happens or some disaster hits. It is not of being high IQ either, as I can think many cases where smart people have ignored it aswell, brushed off for some reason. This is nothing new with academics talking and ignored, but then again society has plenty of so called expert jobs that are not academics but role is to be guarddog for something.
Perhaps common people internet speak for Dunning Kruger is darwin award, meaning people having this problem would die accidentally eventually. But in ideas domain there is no such danger for that person.
I'm sure there was a point to all that, but I wasn't able to discern it.
From what I gather, the geniuses not captured by the system and the hobbyist inventor are not coming to save us.
Sam Hyde had some thoughtful ideas about how to bring art to inner city school children. Print out lines of air Jordans for colouring in.
Off topic, Ed, do you drink something else apart beer from time to time, any spirits?