The flashy editing was a challenge to my eyes and ears, but I still managed to grasp the essence of the video. Please, fire this AI, professor, we love your work the way it is: plain, simple and HELLO HELLO HELLO
Cold climate adaptation produces smaller penis size to avoid frost bite which then necessitates adoption of the missionary position. The adoption of the missionary position in cold climates is also more energy efficient than doggy style. Steatopygia in females selects for larger penis size when doggy style is the dominant sexual position. Many sub Saharan descended women have steatopygia and consequently their males have longer penis size compared to cold adapted males.
With that said, you can choose to send emails or to just post it on your Substack page. It’s the option just above “Schedule” just before you hit “Post”. Might want to uncheck that if you feel it’s too many emails.
The flashy editing was a challenge to my eyes and ears, but I still managed to grasp the essence of the video. Please, fire this AI, professor, we love your work the way it is: plain, simple and HELLO HELLO HELLO
Is this the gangster bar?
No clue. I'm here for the telly.
Plain is better. Plebs won't like this shit. Check out my writing on my page if you want.
Not a fan of the background music but the editing in with the film clips was a nice touch as long as you don't overdo it.
"Fast Life 'Istory" m8!
Such fun editing. Looking spiffy!
Cold climate adaptation produces smaller penis size to avoid frost bite which then necessitates adoption of the missionary position. The adoption of the missionary position in cold climates is also more energy efficient than doggy style. Steatopygia in females selects for larger penis size when doggy style is the dominant sexual position. Many sub Saharan descended women have steatopygia and consequently their males have longer penis size compared to cold adapted males.
Ask the dentist.
Ed, seek convincment. Be a Quaker and embrace the plain. Return to traditional format.
I've got a big willy.
Use him responsibly.
I much prefer audio only and listen while out!
With that said, you can choose to send emails or to just post it on your Substack page. It’s the option just above “Schedule” just before you hit “Post”. Might want to uncheck that if you feel it’s too many emails.