The bank I work in has an etiquette class for new hires, straight from college, in order to teach them how to eat at a sit down restaurant with clients.

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By the age of two, they should be fully toilet trained. That’s that.

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In Toronto however old kids are, they must go to daycare with a diaper on. They don’t go or are not allowed to go to the toilet.

Also, governments forced us to have daycares. Kids should not go to daycares. It’s a jail.

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Piss pants.

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I was talking to a hairdresser the other day who said that she is now seeing grey hairs in lots of children. A sign of genetic deterioration? On the other hand, History Debunked did a video some time ago about how middle class families try to get their child labelled so they have special treatment and increased exam time at school. Not too long ago, parents would even go to lengths to hide any abnormalities in their children.

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When was the last time you guys wet yourself while sleeping (alcoholics needn’t answer)?

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Is there more evidence of this problem other than an article. Many teacher's perspectives can be biased or bs.

My niece was toilet trained but around 4yo went backwards and had problems 'holding on'. It was a medical issue that she grew out of.

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Bigger and bigger "open floor office" style schools certainly cause issues.

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