Nov 8, 2023Liked by Edward Dutton

Would be great to get him on the show

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You should asked about his soft spot. His slavish subservance to Jews. He works for Ben Shapiro. Ask him why he loves Solzhenitsyn but never talks about 200 years together. A history of Jews in Russia. Or he makes videos about critizing Christians or Muslims. But never Jews? Peterson is a good goy as we call it unfortunately.

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Everyone's knows he will never gives you an honest answer like:

- Cuz I cuck for jews, I love then and you as a Christian should cuck too!

He explicitly said he thinks ethnocentrism isn't an answer and constantly battle against, but only for Europeans.

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I dont think its like that. He is just emotional. Peterson is a psychologist ,its expected. He is not a radical truth seeker aka. a autist.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

Not sure what your point is reducing Jordan Peterson down to "His slavish subservience to Jews" when he's mostly know as a conservative voice in the culture wars. Pretty provocative language when the only negative search result of your quote is from Muslims.

Types who dabble in this swing both ways, like this one: "Jordan Peterson is a closet Nazi. Here's why."

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I have no idea what you are trying to say about quotes and such. Jordan Peterson is actively avoiding any critisim of Jews. Jordan Peterson doesnt say anything that useful. He isnt really conservative. Only controversial thing was about a pronoun bill. Unimportant distraction. While he works for Daily Wire(Ben Shapiro).

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JP has his flaws like any single human being. He did extensive bible tours, also old testament, so take that as you wish. Main point is team humanity and team west, where christians are and I suppose jews too having compatible valueset. Why now suddenly everyone should criticize jews? They are some 5-10million people group in 8billion people world. As much one could try to make conspiracies, saudi and other middle eastern ruling families have trillions of dollars worth funds of oil money each. So at this moment in time I cant think jews are our biggest problem.

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Let me quote Bill Clinton. “ The most powerful lobby on capitol hill is the Israeli lobby”. 7/10 biggest donors in the 2016 election were Jewish. The media is owned by Jews. The biggest hedge fund which manages American pension money Blackrock is Jewish. You can read Unzreview if you want to learn more.

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A search of your quote, ""His slavish subservience to Jews". It's just a slur, as is suggesting Prof. Dutton should have brought it up with Peterson.

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Why are you quoting a random sentence I said. And searching up on the internet? Its like I am talking to a Indian. Of course you rephrase it into a coy way.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

"Coy" LOL, your words not mine. That's in the OP not "random". To your point, Jordan Peterson is most famous for his iconic advice to young men, "Clean your room".

Jordan Peterson is up front that he has a high opinion of Jewish people in general but you had to did deep for "slavish subservience'". Peterson is no one's hand puppet.

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Are you a zionist or old? Peterson works for Daily Wire he cant say anything not even a critisism of Jews. Its not post modern marxists of the Frankfurt school. All of them are Jews.

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He has a slavish subservience regardless if its intentional or not. He can be pro Jewish. But the point is he wont allow any critisism of Jews. Which is rich when he critizes both Muslims and Christians.

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Advice to young men is “Clean your room” Not mass immigration, ZOG or race realism. Such a distraction.

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Questioner : "Are you a Christian?

JBP : "I believe the most straightforward answer to that is yes. Let's leave it at yes"

Questioner : "Do you believe that Jesus rose again from the dead? Literally"

JBP : (long pause) "I find I cannot answer that question and the reason is because...let me think about it for a minute......see if I can come up with a reasonable answer to that.....well the first answer would be it depends what you mean by Jesus"

Questioner : " A historical human being that existed in a body"

JBP : "In a body and it was a physical body that was on earth"

Questioner : "Yes in a physical body that was on Earth that was literally erm came back to life"

JBP : "I would say that at the moment I'm agnostic about that issue"

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Edward Dutton

This psychologist didn't become something like a rock star for nothing.

Some people feel the same upon meeting you.

All of us have some insecurity that wants us to rule the world, more or less. I would like to expand on this with an example of a person beyond the garden variety SJW that even has the diamonds in his future crown picked out. You hammered the nail on the head with this one.


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The more the need to conquer the world, the more you need to conquer yourself. Some of us are completely out of control, some not.

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Funny how this logic was explained with narcissists... they control others due to inability or lack of skills to control themselves. Ed has talked of this a bit. Sure, we cant solve everything ourselves but having balanced self is good starting point to world.

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You have to ask yourself how he became a rock star, once you answer that you'll understand why he isn't really questioned on the nonsense he speaks.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Edward Dutton

Your description of his stare is almost exactly like the Lady Galadriel chapter in the Lord of the Rings. It seems that others such as Tolkien have experienced this awe-filled wonder of someone looking into their soul too. Was he aware of your credentials and your controversial research and in particular The Jolly Heretic Public House? You could have given him the stare back!

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It appears that your impression was positive. I've followed him since the beginning of his rise to fame, and initially found him to be quite compelling in his videos. I attended one of his 12 Rules for Life tour presentations and had my photo taken with him after the show. He was warm and engaging for the 1 min I was in his presence. I've listened and watched hundreds of his lectures and videos, and purchased his book 12 Rules for Life.

I felt his message was timely in that he was supportive of young men, with a message that was simple but one missing in the lives of so many young people who are raised in single-mother households. I applauded his stand on free speech and not capitulating to the stupid use of pronouns.

I've since come to regard him as overly empathetic, sympathetic, and emotional. I felt a lot of sorrow for his struggle with his health due to personal mismanagement of psychotropic drugs, but admired his ability to eventually overcome it. My appreciation for him began to wane somewhat when his daughter became a hanger-on celeb, along with it now seems his wife, both of whom have their own following. I don't know, but that just somehow feels like tacky overkill. He's become a millionaire many times over. Nothing wrong with that, and I believe he deserves his wealth and fame, but I'm no long very interested in him or his message. I guess I'm just a fair-weather fan.

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I agree on that hangaround thing and overpolitical things. What things he studied in past, he knows and that makes sense. Anything contemporary is tacky as you say.

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I wouldn't care if his entire family joined the roadshow if his message was a positive one but I don't think it is.

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Maybe this is why I want to save the west

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I bumped into Peterson about 5 years ago in the parking lot of my city park. From about 50 feet away I saw a man staring at me as he was walking towards me from a 90° angle. He had some family members walking with him and I had a good friend with me ( we were out to walk our dogs). I realized it was Jordan Peterson and walked towards him. He continued to stare at me the entire time as I walked up and introduced myself. I asked why he was in my city and then we chatted for maybe a minute. He stared into my eyes almost the entire time. I walked away from the interaction feeling very odd. It felt like he spotted me then willed me to come talk to him. I haven't listened to another one of his talks since.

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Did you mention the show to him or asked if he would be willing to appear on it?

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“The key to success is sincerity. If you can fake that you’ve got it made.” — George Burns (attrib)

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Vox Day had JP figured out way before everyone else, and I have to say he was 100% spot on.

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I never listened to Vox Day, can you post or message me links to his podcasts in which he figured him out? I think Peterson is a cuck, simp and grifter, so I'd like to learn more.

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He wrote a book called "Jordanetics", available at all good bookshops (see below).

Vox is now behind a paywall though you might be able to find him on Rumble or Youtube.


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Found this video of Day's it has some annoying flashing images but there is quite a bit in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7u3Lu-kzgg

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Ed, you relate a wonderful story of your meeting Jordon Peterson that raised a couple of questions in my mind. First, I'd ask why you didnt point out that neuroticism is much more prevalent among women than men (a relatively large measurable difference) and how that correlates with the feminization of Western Society. Second, with regard to his apparent penetrating stare, you might have thought to ask him (easy for me to say in hindsight) if he was married and if so, how he met his wife. Perhaps next time you meet. https://www.newsweek.com/jordan-peterson-wife-tammy-roberts-rehab-cancer-1825184 Or perhaps now something for me to ask him if ever he and I should meet.

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Me thinking neurotic, reminds always of billionaires in wallstreet... they are said to be so... (often men).... so getting wealthier makes people more neurotic and cautious by nature. Wonder are these linked. Also age has to have effect + slow life strategy as we via wealth live longer. So Id say it relates to societal cycles and we happen to be in that phase feminization is trending.

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Perhaps, but women are more neurotic, ON AVERAGE, than men. This is mainly a result of biology and not environmental factors.

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"Roughly Speaking™?"

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JP as phenomenom resembles of this weird global thing where other side of world (here from NA to europe) some rockstar person comes and draws enourmous audiences with gigantic ticket prices. To put analog, Im fascinated by tidbit that Taylor Swift I think was performing in southern sweden 2021 or 2022 and semi jokingly opinion pieces were put that she (or other big US female artist) cause big inflation regionally if not sweden national level. Well, follow up to this is some economists recently have found inflation actually happened there. Was it because that event? Was there other factors... certainly, but I find this very fascinating phenomenom that singular people , world stars, can have this tangible effect in everyone's life somewhere even when they didnt participate.

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Looking back some 10 or 20 years, liberal/left has their own trends, but at the same time right has had very similar dynamic in how to make money and how to surpass that other guy and make new record to gain status.... and it has gone evermore extreme, any way possible getting there ASAP has been acceptable(Uber, Theranos, WeWork as symbols of this era, among many others). Now these 2 worlds collide in big way almost any topic out there, as in society there has been only these 2 paths to go in life but perhaps previously more greyzone was allowed.

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The penetratingly stare of Jordan Person almost like hypnosis, I think reflects his gift of insight and the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. Understanding hypnosis is at the root of understanding how people can hold contradictory ideas with complete sincerity, or completely believe things patently false. It's akin to mental ascent but that term is too simple to capture the way our minds work.

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Surely there's the possibility there actually is something wrong with society. Surely there's the possibility that some people are better than others. Sure people who aren't on the right are better off being pathologized away, but I think the right has legitimate grievances and has the moral duty to redress them with their own hands if need be.

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