Ed visits a village so quaint

Its beauty is without restraint

Ancestral memoirs

But too many cars

A minor but worthy complaint

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That was a lovely walkabout, Ed. Truly beautiful village. Thank you for sharing your heritage with us.

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Looks like a lovely place

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Great. Beautiful. Is there a Budworth Parva also, if there's a Great- or would that take a Magna ?

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Ah. A good old, red, British phone box. Thanks for sharing Ed.

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Truly lovely. I hope you do more of this.

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I noticed the 🇺🇦 in the church, typical social Justice warriors living in a paradise of sorts, can’t wait until they get their Ukrainian refugees, oh no!

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Dutton's article on Unz.com about the hypocrisy of leftists wanting to live in white areas seems apt here.


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TY. Like when martha’s vineyard got their airlifted illegals from Texas. . They sent them away asap with a heartfelt hug, they just had no accommodations 😭 NIMBY

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Unfortunately the CofE was subverted many years ago, which is why congregations are falling to zero all over Britain

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Ed's looking sweatier than a whore in church. Great video, though.

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They ought to change the asphalt road to something more authentic, but beautiful place and interesting walk-around.

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Ah! I have some good friends who live in Great Budworth. Had many an excellent night there followed by a hangover walk the following day. Lovely village but have to say there are many equally lovely ones throughout the country.

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This is very true at the moment. Sadly the Uniparty have decided more refugees should be moved out to the country to complete the destruction of our culture

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they move quickly to biggest cities though... for same reasons locals (younger ones) do. To find their ethnic group fellows and wealthier income,services, often among their peers.

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I'd like to see more bald and bankrupt style videos. You know a lot of stuff, so just say stuff.

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What a magnificent village! I imagine that this is exactly what most people see inside their heads when they think about basically any place in England outside London. If my travels ever take me to England i want to visit this place.

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If you think that driving is bad, try being a courier in London...

Truly blissful walk though

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This video alone made the subscription worth it. Absolutely fantastic stuff.

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What Y-chromosome do you have?

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I wish more people appreciated the labor and profound achievements of our ancestors. Respect.

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