Mulattos are almost always ugly. It seems that any introduction of black genes makes them ugly. As an example look at Seal &Heidi Klum's kids -- https://images.app.goo.gl/HfhNZk9RFHnWF2D98 -- all are ugly, despite her being a former supermodel. By contrast, it seems that other mixed race children (no black genes), tend to look better than either parent. I wonder why that is.

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I wonder if supermodels, ie culturally objectively very beautiful people, are actually similar as dogs, cats horses when breeding continues for long... ie genetically vulnerable by any small deviation which average person while not excellent (extreme) qualities, is pretty robust individual from genetic standpoint... inspiration from long ago internet studies and "meme" that molding thousands of pics together (before AI fuss) makes objectively most beautiful person, man or woman, by having those symmetrical and other traits most people like. Then other question is, is 1/8 something (grandkids of that couple) have some genetic benefit by having such exotic variation(while influence is small)?

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Is this a sort of Ring Species effect where two ends of a species too genetically distant either cannot breed or outbreed?

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Indeed. In Latin American mestizo countries (so all of 'em) siblings often run the gamut of hair colour / texture, skin 'hue' (and sometimes colour). Eye colour seems more consistent, probably because those genes are so much more recessive. I knew a pair of non identical Mexican twins who were almost exactly the same but one was dark (Mediterranean) and the other fair (Nordic). Both did equally well with the ladeeez.....

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I thought this was a bit of clickbait if I'm honest, no offence.

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The TRUTH 😂 Yeah, a little bit. I still found it an interesting video.

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I knew a family wherein the father was black and the mother was white. One daughter almost looked completely white but for her blondish tightly curled hair. Two children looked mixed race, and the last child looked a bit darker. Very interesting.

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God save the King.

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