The book was excellent and the documentary looks like it will be too. His other books, I've read them all, or also excellent. Dutton, unlike most academics in this space, is charismatic and likable and knows how to make the information presented informative and entertaining even. He, like others, predict an inevitable decline and eventual collapse. I think they're right, but I've seen one thing that could, in theory, save the West: Childfreebc.com... there you'll find lots of low IQ, dysgenic "candidates", and you can donate to them to become sterilized. They get a cash bonus for this. I personally sterilized four choice candidates, and I'll have to tell you, it felt good to know that because of me they're not going to procreate anymore.

In theory, if all of the civilized West contributes funds toward that site and cause, we can save Western civilization in one generation.

I too would like to know where Dutton thinks Neo-Byzantian is going to be. Keep up the great work professor, and GOOBYE!!!

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I ❤️ Ed and The Jolly Heretic!

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I'm pumped for this

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I told you to be strapped. You're in the depths of hell, the heart of liberalism in all its glory. Tragedy doesn't quite say it. I was born in the Bay Area in 1967 and it was a magnificent city in every measurable way. I left in 1985 and thankfully never returned. I look forward to your expose and conclusions.

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Looks great. I am looking forward to seeing. Maybe you could also reveal the location of the neo-byzantium

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He has already said he doesn't really know where it will be.

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space mining.... mars colony :P

somewhere with all necessities of life. empire is dead, welcome new empire 100meters that direction.

Oh there is a book already... it seems to be based on that, same name. spoilers might be there

The Past is a Future Country: The Coming Conservative Demographic Revolution (Societas) Paperback – July 5, 2022

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He doesn’t mention where in the book

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Byzantium had it's own issues but did provide a haven and reaped the benefits, for a time. At this point with Russia going through an industrial boom while the west is still looking for other countries to build more stuff for us, I suspect Russia will be that haven in another 20 years. Barring global nuclear war and if they can find someone to lead after Putin without falling apart.

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looks excellent!

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I don't want to miss this!

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Whenever this content becomes available to freeloaders, please include a download link or something. I'd like to share the video itself.

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Professor ED if you insist on going on these dangerous recces then you should have a varangian guard accompanying you. I'm available when to you should you ever visit Ireland.

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I hope the doctor was armed with a compact pistol.

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Was this ever released?

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I hope this releases soon!

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I genuinely can't wait for this documentary. I thougoughly enjoy all your work Ed. I don't usually pay to watch things online but I felt your channel warrants me parting with a bit of cash. Thanks.

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Looks excellent.

Sorry I missed Friday night because I'd have asked you if you thought a trip around the cities of the US or UK in the 1930s would have yielded similar sights? "The Road to Wigan Pier" and "Down and out in London and Paris" were both pretty eye opening for me but they didn't make me left wing, in fact quite the opposite. I was driven to look at the reasons for such poverty and despair and in most cases the answer was "Government". If any of you Duttonites out there haven't read them then please do, it will be time well spent.

I don't believe your display of emotion for the poor souls on the streets in the film is left-wing, it is empathetic. And empathy isn't left-wing, quite the opposite in my experience.

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