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Hi Ed, long time drinker at the JH, glad to see the boost in production quality.

Do try to get Peter Hitchens on, I think having the pair of you chat on both religion and the sexual revolution would be very interesting.

Here's my question: Natural selection is clearly a scientific fact, but I have not been convinced beyond reasonable doubt that all living organisms today came about solely through "random mutation" from a common ancestor. From what I have read, there isn't any concrete evidence that this is the case. Could you convince me otherwise?

Do have a look at this, I'd appreciate if you try to poke holes in the argument presented here: https://youtu.be/NetQrus79aM

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Will there be a holy civil war in Britain?

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Could you elaborate on the historical context and provide additional information about medieval Europeans supposedly being R-selective from the 11th to 15th century in congruence with the average IQ of 11th century Europeans being 80? In addition, in the cycle of civilisation and subsequent breakup of our own civilisation into Neo-Feudal ethnic polities, what role will the broader government play (if any at all) and what are your speculations regarding the future of European ethnic groups?

Furthermore, from a hypothetical standpoint, in this future state of Neo-Feudal ethnic polities, what are your thoughts regarding the social structure of said polities? That is to say: In what way do you think the hypothetical Neo-Feudalist polities will operate? Will they have "lords" and "retinues" in the form of powerful gang leaders running small communities, reflecting a medieval state of affairs or something else? Additionally, how do you see European culture and civilisation being maintained in this model, such as history, knowledge, cultural customs, folklore, sciences and so on?

PS. May I contact you at a later date to organise a discussion with you about history and its connection to us today?

Thanks Professor!

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Please give an opinion on “Biohistory”.


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Hey Ed, can you discuss female birth control and it’s dysgenic effect on mate selection.

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Do you think white people might have a prosperous future in north east asia?

Despite being more ethnocentric, north east asian countries seem to appreciate white people more than in western countries. And we are about to become a minority in most western countries anyway. They have higher IQ:s, more functioning societies, proper borders and importantly – a strong language barrier that will filter out retards trying to get in.

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Retards 😀.

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Sorry for this being a bit of a normie/philosophical question but Do you Believe in free will when things such as intelligence,personality aswell as disposition and attitudes are so highly heritable. Apart from narrow sense heritability theirs also broad sense heritable traits like the enviorment you create. Even if we assume the traits that develops from environment are examples of free will, 1) your genes would of probably lead you to those environmental effects and 2) enviormental effects can also be determined. Cheers

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Hey Ed,

When you speak of "Western Civilization", which you say is in decline, does your definition of this civilization include Eastern Europe? Also, when (High Middle ages? Renaissance? Enlightenment?) did this "Western Civilization" start?

Also, in some video I watched you briefly mentioned that there was an era of wild creativity that lasted from maybe the 1950s to the 2000s and is now over. I thought I was the only person who noticed this; I have long felt that the world that created say for example Star Wars was due to an extremely unlikely combination of cultural, historical, demographic, and economic circumstances, and it peaked in the 1980s with a rapid decline thereafter. For about 5 years or so I've referred to the uninspired continued existence of the creative output of that era in "franchise" form as "Zombie 1980s Escapism". Have you elaborate on this matter elsewhere in further detail? Personally, I think I was extremely lucky to have been a child in the 1980s (I'm about a year older than you) and this was like winning a kind of temporal lottery.

Those two are just off the top of my head; I'll post more if I think of any.


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When are you going to be in London for an IRL meetup?

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How can evolution happen rapidly in a large population? Let's say a population of 10,000 humans on an island, how many generations would it take a single mutation to work its way through into the majority of the population given a generation of 15 years?

Also we are evolved to be happier around people who look like us, wouldn't those with obvious genetic mutations be driven out of the tribal group thus leading to less chance of breeding?

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I know you've answered this question/topic before, at least to some extent (I mostly missed the answers though) but what is the logical perspective/knowledge of viewing human beauty? (rather than a purely emotional one) e.g. there is a correlation between beauty (symmetrical face, etc) and genes associated with immune health, intelligence, etc. I'm interested in understanding beauty from a logical/scientific (non emotional) perspective (e.g. homeobox genes).

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Hi Ed. Could a race such as ours have rapid and fundamental evolutionary genetic change in it's inherent characteristics so that the race can no longer revert back to it's recognisable former self? If so, would a future civilisation that arises after the predicted harsh darwinian dark age, be built by a race not yet evolved? Thanks, Richard

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Please answer all of these with careful thought and deliberation. When will the collapse happen (be precise please, and don't give a rough estimate or say "that's impossible to know")? How will the average person fare (i.e., someone making £40,000 - £100,000)? How will the elites / millionaires fare? What will happen to the global monetary system (banks, finance, investments and the like) when the collapse occurs? And most importantly, where will people flee to (I suspect it will be the rural areas with high homogeneity)?

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What is your opinion on the idea that Ukraine is being willfully depopulated by Western elites for some purpose?

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Can the West find the political will to deport all Muslims, mine the harbors, and torpedo migrant boats? Or is this the start of the French Caliphate? Why do they call us racist when Muslims don't let Christians live in their countries?

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