Surely liberals should support white nationalism?
Written by Noah Carl. Since Donald Trump was elected President in 2016, American liberals have become obsessed with the threat of white nationalism. As you can see in the chart below, there’s been a huge spike in mentions of the term in books, which began in 2016. Likewise…
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a year ago · 63 likes · 39 comments
Aporia has another article out on the same theme, "Good trans, bad trans", about race faker Rachael Dolezal and the inconsistency of the left embracing trans ideology but not transracialism. It's a feature not a bug. Parading absurdities is a projection of power by the left. Next week good/bad could change places. At the heart of this synthetic reality is something more basic.
Many of the scenes of claimed atrocities by Israel are choreographed fakes. And the lefties, journalists, and Western news outlets who broadcast them know they are fake. It's so well know it's a genre, "Pailliwood", staged crisis scenes wildly popular in the Arab world. There are star actors, like social media influencer Saleh Aljafarawi, featured in a Tablet article.
He is " ... a victim of an Israeli air raid, writhing in pain in a Gaza hospital ... a day or two later: He’s a radiologist now, helping a blood-smeared patient into a small MRI machine. ... he has died on camera—not once but twice—and then, like Lazarus, come back to life. He sired a (fake, plastic) child, then lost it in a bombing; found work as a foreign correspondent; picked up a gun and joined the fighting; laughed joyfully when Jews were slaughtered; ... discovered his calling as a singer; led guided tours of his shelled-out hometown."
Here is the link to the article. In it are references to others. To see what this is all about just replace anti-Semitism with the victims of the left as a whole.
You have said many times though that cultures that are high in positive and negative ethnocentrism are the ones that prosper and succeed. You have also said many times that multiculturalism and therefore inevitably by extension multiracialism make societies low in trust. You recently made a video drawing attention to Nihal Arthanayake's comments and how the state of his mental health was predictable and inevitable.
I have good friends I met at University who were of different races, they no longer live in the UK, but I still stay in contact with them. Why is it unethical to say they shouldn't have the right to permanent residence in England when they already have residence in de facto ethno-states of their own?