She is a victim, she has clearly been failed on so many levels for this to happen. I do genuinely feel sorry for her.

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Women do go wrong for various reasons as highlighted by Ed and most lobotomies were performed on women, so it's always been embarrassing to society but ultimately it's her life to get on with just like Brittany Spears (clearly exhibiting hyper sexual behaviour).

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The point about lobotomies is the weakest in Ed's case. As valid as pointing out that "most" clitoridectomies were and are performed on women.

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many years ago i read francis farmer's (of the famed nirvana song) autobiography. she was lobotomized for being overemotional and argumentative with employers and her spouse. her case led me into researching mental institutions around her era. turns out that until the late 1950s or so, a husband could have his wife involuntarily committed for almost any reason. but most of the confinements were seen more as vacation experiences than farmers extensive ect treatments followed by one of the first ever pre-frontal lobotomies.

just saying, women were happier and more faithful to their husbands back in the day. it's rather remarkable how little effect the lobotomy had on farmer's personality and writing style (to the extent some allege the book is ghost written), almost as if trauma from the lobotomy was sufficient to correct negative behaviors. imagine cutting off a pinky for psychological therapy - it's terrifying to lose any part of yourself forever regardless of the reason or cause.

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The playwright Tennessee Williams' sister was lobotomised and ended up a 'vegetable'. She inspired his play The Glass Menagerie.

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It really isn't.

I thought you were better than to use a victim narrative for a well off girl who decides to prostitute herself, effectively for fame. I feel sorry she thought this was ok but I don't feel the same level of pity I feel for someone on the game to pay the gas bill.

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I feel sorry for her because I think her behaviour is a reflection of having serious mental health problems. I agree; she's in no way compelled to do this.

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A very good article Ed and I generally agree with you, though All Mouth has a point about people who sell themselves to pay basic bills - this person has made a ton of money doing this and might otherwise be filling shelves in a supermarket. To regret this and then claim she wants take her depravity to new depths certainly indicates mental illness. She needs, if not sympathy then help of some kind, otherwise I would not be surprised to read in a year or two that she has taken her own life.

And as you say, this case is one sign among hundreds that Western society is in a steepening decline.

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She has a degree in Nutrition Studies from a respected university. I don't think she needed to follow this path.

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i feel less sorry for her than the newly traumatized men who screwed her and then saw that she had to disassociate to tolerate it and cried with self-disgust afterward.

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She comes from a wealthy family, has a university degree in nutrition and is more than attractive enough to monetise a social media presence without resorting to prostitution. She was obviously unwell before embarking on this "career", but my instinct tells me her new "challenge-promise" is a response to the wounds she's endured. There's something very similar to bulimia in what she's doing.

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Agreed. I feel a 41% situation coming on in the not too distant future.

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41% is NOWHERE near the reality of porn actresses, which in many ways is worse than what she has done. Sure, the "100" number is eye-catching, but most of it (and its evidence) was done in private, and from the looks of it, boring quick sex with normies. Repeated, violent, inter-racial gangbangs for all to see is significantly more repulsive in my eyes, and not rare.

This is either a very naïve virtue signaling or wishful comeuppance response, I can't distinguish.

You seriously underestimate female cognitive dissonance and selective psychopathy. They have been doing similarly reprehensible things for ages, by making men raise children who are not theirs, it's just that no one knew.

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Is someone who grew up surrounded by crime, and goes on to become a criminal himself, a victim?

Feminism & other assorted social rot may be a tragedy, but the people buying into it are less victims than they are part of the problem.

They wanted choice, they got it; with choice comes responsibility for the consequences, whether you knew what you were doing or not.

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JF made a complex analysis on this. I don't agree on everything JF claimed but he made a great point: She cried, among others, because the 100 men she encountered were total losers, so-called incels. Her fantasies were probably about being denigrated and humiliated by a multitude of very potent and/or high status males. She admitted that she was even unable to satisfy the limited demands the incels had agreed upon. In the end, it was a.o. the humanizing factor what broke her. Instead of an idealized fantasy of being used by many superior men, she gave herself to one total loser after the other, and was even unable to satisfy them, making her fantasy an extremely humane, mundane, meaningless ordeal.

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Messalina, the wife of Emperor Claudius in ancient Rome, conducted a challenge identical to that of our own 'empress of filth' Lily Phillips ; she had sex with scores of men in one day, apparently to prove to a courtesan that an empress was in no respect, including sexual performance, inferior to any woman of whatsoever social rank, down to, and including, that of prostitute. Rome was then, like the West now, well into its great decline, its values held in place only by its military, which would strongly support Ed's compelling argument stated in this powerfully articulate piece.

One last point; my wife, in a moment of ultra-cynicism, asked the question 'what if the whole thing is false? What if she and the documentary maker have perpetrated a colossal deception solely to provoke and then discredit the whole thrust (no pun intended) of the misogynist, patriarchal, worldview? - And to combine that with a de facto massively successful PR stunt!

I demurred, told my wife that couldn't possibly be! What a ridiculous suggestion, etc! ...... Then she told me to look again at that bizarre moment when Lily Phillips ropes in that dumpling of a bloke, with moronic girlfriend in attendance, and presents him as her first client of the next batch of a thousand degenerate fuckers and declares: "So come on girls, wives, let me have your boyfriends and husbands for five minutes so that I break a world record!"

Really? Would any girl really let herself be filmed enthusiastically consenting to such a proposal? There WAS something off about that, n'est-ce pas?

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Fascinating. Thank you.

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Could be faked, that's for sure. Could be Sex magic or some form of insanity.

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Research was done on women appearing on Sugar Daddy websites that showed the vast majority came from 'broken' homes - i.e. parents divorced. In other cases where parents were still together, there was some form of rejection from either one or both via some sort of emotional mismatch (parents being strict etc.). However, most are the product of divorced parents. Makes for an interesting sociological study.

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I wouldn't be surprised if she'd been molested as a child or raped as a teenager.

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seems like her mom manages her finances. it seems like a captive relationship rooted in the gal's extreme anxiety and insecurity.

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Societal collapse fixes this.

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So she wants to have sex with 1000 men in 24 hours? That’s one encounter every 86.4 seconds. If she’s serious her handlers should recruit only young premature ejaculators, and provide a gas mask or respirator for the cameraman. Also burn incense to cover the putrid smell. This is beyond bizarre.

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This is all based on a deep-rooted insecurity and the lack of a proper fatherly role model. The father was 'there' but evidently 'absent' emotionally. She therefore seeks approval from men using sex. You usually see a similar set up when the father is physically absent or present and the parents are separated either through divorce or informally.

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Some of her father's friends are her subscribers. Whole family is focused on financial gain regardless of the taboo but this isn't unheard of. They have a circus mentality.

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Her vile parents have failed her the most. Unsurprising that her father keeps that sort of company.

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The father is either divorced, beaten down, and paying child support to the mother, or a crazy woke Gavin Newsom-tier liberal. That's the only possibilities I can think of for allowing a train to be run on his daughter.

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Her father's on Facebook and certainly seems proud of his daughter.

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Father/parents showing narcissistic traits.

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I just watched Julie Bindell on this. She spent most of the time blaming the men for taking part. She noted in passing that the mother was the pimp but didn't really criticize her.

Honestly, do feminists want the patriachy re-instated?

The mother is clearly the person who could have stopped this. But I've yet to hear a feminist criticize a woman. I find myself unusually annoyed by this.

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"In the 1990s, even though 18 marked official adulthood, there was no internet (and no OnlyFans until 2016), so the consequences of a young person’s impetuous decisions[...]"

"What kind of man would want to have children with Phillips now, other than a thoroughly filthy fellow or someone so desperate that they’d overlook the realistic possibility of her adultery?"

And you think this is a bad thing? You do realize you're basically arguing for her convenient right to fool some impressionable young fella who doesn't know better into marrying a (prospective) slut, right?

Temperament is strongly genetic, as you of all people should know.

This is the same reason why women are so reactive to the idea of paternity testing. A big reason why women are so good playing the victim and extracting resources is because of the façade they're able to create from good straight-faced lying and disguising.

The internet changes this and exposes a lot of it, because it makes things less ephemeral and creates hard evidence. And this is GOOD thing.

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From what I gathered skimming through the documentary, she cried because she felt some of the men were not given enough time.

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I suspect she's got "fuck you" money and in today's world, this stunt won't affect her ability to attain the lifestyle she wants but she also reminds me of the actual prostitute depicted in the film Heaven's Gate, who still married, etc.

However, she really has no perception of disgust, it seems. I read a paper on disgust that concluded that it's malleable according to cultural expectations and environmental pressures. Are young people therefore bombarded with the normalising of casual sexual activity to such an extent that they don't perceive this level of intimacy with strangers as disgusting and inappropriate, exposing them to disease?

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“No perception of disgust”

Apparently not. The smell in the room afterwards was reportedly the stuff of nightmares.

In addition, there was a video going around on X a few weeks ago of the men lined up beforehand, and all were dark-skinned.

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Thank you for the info regarding the dark-skinned participants. I suspected this. I imagine there were many "Asian" incels involved in this. I'm pretty sure, the low-quality of the losers involved in this was mainly what broke her.

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I suspect lack of disgust is a common feature of the women who choose prostitution.

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Maybe so, but even most strippers and call girls have standards. Miss Phillips appears to have descended to the "gay male riddled with AIDS" level.

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They don't, really. In fact, I've read that prostitutes don't bother to get their STDs treated. They have psychopathic personality types, perhaps. Maybe Ed will research the subject of personality disorders and the sex industry for us?

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There have been some famous strippers. I don't think they were necessarily involved in prostitution. I suppose OF has replaced them, though. Apparently the OF "creators" are in competition with each other and their boundaries are being ever pushed to the extremes. This Lily 100 stunt is the result. Heard that from one calling into LBC radio yesterday.

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I honestly doubt she feels much sexual arousal, but it is one of the most potent factors lowering the disgust response. One of the best predictors of sociosexuality (promiscuity) is low disgust sensitivity.

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