Thanks for collecting these 3 videos to same post. Had totally missed them.

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It's be nice of you to do a vid on Connor Macgregor vs Bono. I'd thunk Connor was just a mouth. He seems incorruptible.

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Wilders has been allowed to "win", he will be the dutch Meloni. The people orchestrating these events realise that the transformation of western societies is going a bit to fast, so now they allow some harmless pushback in the form of people like Wilders. There is one party in the Netherlands that is truly opposed to liberalism, the FvD party, and they are being violently suppressed.

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ChatGPT can write code, impressive sounding analysis, Power Points, mimic abstract thought, the heart of many mid-level jobs. The burning question of the day is what are we going to do with all the people made redundant with AI.

So why wholesale immigration? The idea we need immigration to support an aging population with a low birth rate is now just a trope. And not just any immigration (in Europe) but people who's ideology calls for the death or subjection of their enemies, non-believers. They act accordingly while the people in charge point at climate change or other absurdity to dodge the question. It's more than a dystopia. A dystopia has a logical yet sadistic purpose, understandable by the average person. The "Great Reset" has been successfully cast as a conspiracy theory, as the actors plainly spell out the plan, in detail, in periodic press releases.

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One of the reasons that Wilder's partly became this big suddenly is that Dilan Yesilgöz (learder of the VVD) stated that she was not willing to work with Wilders, so voters who voted for VVD out of habbit got upset with her and switched to PVV (Wilders), especially since Wilders became more salonfährig.

By the way, Dilan Yesilgöz has now stated that the VVD will not work with Wilders, which may make it very difficult for him to form a government. NSC is led by a man who is so indecisive it takes him an hour to pick out a tie to wear. The greens/PVDA are lead by Timmermans (yes the corrupt EU eco-creep). Many right-wing people in the Netherlands are now worried that VVD and NSC will form a government with the greens/liberals and that Timmermans will become PM. If this happens, our country will become a living hell.

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"salonfährig", a great word I had to look up, "salon" acceptable., more than just socially acceptable, being acceptable to the intellectual class. It might catch on if not impossible to pronounce for native English speakers.

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Glad you asked that, I was afraid to ask. Sounds like it was a massive booze up but don't know why that would affect where vids are uploaded.

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@thejollyheretic Hey Ed, an interesting video on that race science topic: https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYa5bxUkixU/

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The question is whether polarization is the problem or a tool for Dutch establishment and as such a symptom of ‘the battle’ between the establishment and a large part of the Dutch people. It is important to realize that as a result of these elections, 68 of 150 parliament seats are anti-establishment nontraditional parties now (PVV, NSC, BBB, FvD, JA21). It is probably important to interpret things in terms of anti-establishment voting. The ‘far right interpretation’ of the election result, but also the polarization interpretation, plays into the hands of the establishment. They will cherish this labeling to feed polarization and focus our attention on ‘solving’ that problem as a way to get the genie back into the bottle. Nobody, especially in Holland, wants to be a nazi. The search for an anti-establishment vote ‘that works’ has been going in Holland for over 20 years. And for some time now it doesn’t work; whatever we vote we get an establishment government anyway. And we found out that voting left or ‘right’ establishment doesn’t really make a difference. The VVD has developed, if we look at it’s actions the past decade or so, into a typical Dutch socialist party. Anyway, left or ‘right’ they keep doing the same thing. Basically, ignoring, it seems like even not caring about, their own people and the needs of a healthy country. I heard Peter Hitchens say a similar thing about voting Labour or Conservative in the UK. The focus in the two big establishment parties that we in Holland call right and left (in reality center left and radical left) is ‘on Europe’ only. Further, apart from the anti-Islam vision, the PVV is a typical Dutch socialist party. Holland is a socialist country and we really like to have things regulated (compared to English people anyway who seem more freedom loving). The PVV represents a lot of Dutch values and thinking. This is certainly not what the establishment wants us to see. Above all, they will do anything they need to make sure we do not notice that the alleged political division of pro or against EU, is in reality pro or against a healthy Netherlands. Whether they realize it consciously or not, in the objective of a healthy Netherlands the anti-establishment parties might mobilize and unite more people and who knows even some of the anti-establishment traditional political parties. The single-minded focus of the political establishment (VVD and Groenlinks/PvdA) on Europe and global welfare is perniciously hiding that the establishment for some time now really doesn’t care about the health and welfare of their own people and communities, a fact hidden behind their, I'm sure, genuine distraught and emotions about extreme right.

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Seems that the so called right is just zionist controlled i e call it zionist lackey working for Zion subverting our poor nations, as the noahides they are.

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