Whilst I agree with your direction of those weasel liberals I’m not convinced this is an either or. Seems to me that the people controlling Biden (and Trudeau and Sunak etc.) worked out a long time ago how to allow the weak, self interested, devious liberal minority to leverage the conscience and agreeableness of the conservative majority to assert control using a disaster de jour e.g. global warming or pandemics. Perhaps the answer is conspiracy to weaponise liberal traitors?
I can see good old roman tactic of divide and conquer (woke vs non woke, fund both sides as oil company). That causes russian style apolitical ignorance. Then introduce fanarmy, cult following for companies, essentially liberal entities, as replacement for good old local human or region based tradition filled communities with actual values. Then take away any jobs where person has self control, ie handicraft, pride -> outsourced. Thus no wonder US economy financial sector is 25% of GDP, just pushing money around. When everyone is selling something and then buying something else, that is ideal liberal playground. Mafia gangs tell there is no godfather style loyalty, just money. No money=no loyalty.
I see constant playbook like "what about the children" when more conservatives try to talk issues. It is not disaster, but sort of propaganda to shove picture of unhappy kid in bad environment to stop discussion. Companies do this too, shock value. Conspiracy IMHO is consequence of all this as people are constantly gaslighted and depressed, to seek anything tangible and why they feel things are not adding up. For many liberal people world is very black n white, they are right, so there is no need for conspiracies, you're just dumb to not realise how things actually are. This fits well with narcissistic people, but that may be only coincidence, as best liberals are very skillful deliberate people, while narcissists look dumb and not likeable from outside. Also this fits with good times creating more of these people, as their parents handled things well, so they are unaware of how things could go wrong, giving this easy careless confidence, but also prone to any propaganda/biased takes, as not much cracks in their worldview allow assessing information. Granted subsection of liberals are those who suffered as kid from all this, and to survive, must seemingly adapt to escape poverty.
So recent talk of polarization is not in their best interest, as risk is to loose.... they had much better time undercover, seemingly small, harmless minority than now. 10% minority can be pretty strong while realist people say oh they are so small, you must be onto conspiracy. If they grow bigger, as leader and in spotlight, their hollow content start to show up. So to think them like good old thieves, as long as 95% are honest workers, there is something to steal, daily life runs smoothly. But if 20% are thieves, soon they are stealing from eachother and cannibalizing community, as rest of people move out elsewhere. Nobody to replace broken streetlights, broken doors and so on.
But you are right, they are very good in PR and communication to make other side disarmed despite they actually have better solution and answers to things. But this also means ruthless silencing of conservatives trying to bring truth(scientists, social media,..), as many seemingly liberals would be hungry for real information. This is part of democracy, simply numbers game that they need so many votes to keep majority. But having loud minority and polarization bully discussion seemed to work in this favor.
I wonder how this liberal adaptation evolved originally. Maybe working with nearby tribes (trade, etc) to get an edge over those who stayed exclusively within the tribe.
Makes sense why social democrat movements flock these liberals.... also cant be liberal in engineering, machines dont care about virtue signaling (well company goes bust if they make this mistake... extroverted people seem to flock towards liberals, only way I can think smart educated people do these stupid policy changes).
So why are these liberals rampant in society? If they dont have kids, how on earth enough of them are in rule... Also, artists/creative people, which Id think as these kind of liberals, are minority in society, some 5-10% only (I dont count engineers in this class despite Richard Florida thought so; it is boring profession where rules matter 90%+ of industry). So perhaps liberals, artists have exceptional verbal skills and seek to professions like PR management, advertisement and others, where they can use social media type megaphone to spread their thinking?
The fertility reset has only just kicked in. Give it a few generations. The based under 20s today are far more based than my generation. They will inherit the Earth.
About time, could be sooner, that which one of your videos(possibly many others) you pointed things have changed much quicker than anticipated and social media is one factor nowadays making these things faster.
But to my point, mental health issues in my view are because liberals took whole societies hostage by taking over key positions (PM in canada) which forces their value system to majority of people and thus whole culture ... but that creates mental health issues as values are somewhat inherent, part of identity, even biology, so cant change them but as we all need to eat, we must adapt to get job and get along, but majority of society cant be liberals as that is cannibalizing feature, so makes sense majority would be mild conservatives, but have to "virtue signal" just to not be taken to jail, so to speak. As these valuesets are so pervasive, especially for young people, digging into identity and self worth and purpose in society and globe, Jordan Peterson style existential crisis is inherent. My viewpoint to young adults is that they are "extended time teenagers" who have strong opinions but to counter that and volatile age, need strong base for life, not existential crisis in every second of life current western life has been for decades.
Most interesting tidbit of this elite is that, they are often happily married and very traditional lifestyle while preaching to everyone else this gospel of liberalism.... am I mixing groups of people or how these are connected? Some academic called these "luxury beliefs" which work for elite but are very detrimental to lower segments of society. But it fits to this traitor , crossover alignment, ie totally normative heterosexual person is catering to homosexuals, other religious groups and so on.
More would appear because there is good money in it. You have to change the law to say that says illegals are deported immediately and are not entitled to govt paid lawyers or appeals in country. That is, if you aren't here legally, you are deported back to the country you came from and can appeal from there at your own expense.
A knight comes running into his residence within in the castle and announces to his wife the walls have been breached by the invading hordes as he gathers up his weapons and armor and prepares to meet the enemy. Having so armed himself and on his way out he sees his wife seated at her vanity dressed in her finest clothing putting on makeup. The knight gasps in shock and says to her “Have you not heard me exclaim the news of the castle breach?” She turns to him and says “Yes I have my dear husband.”
Clearly there evolved within the human species two distinct personalities to deal with mortal threats from attacking enemies. Ever wonder which political persuasion within the fortification opted for surrender or simply opened the gates in the dead of night to allow the enemy in to avoid a complete slaughter?
As a Hispanic I am disgusted about any low class individuals of overwhelmingly non European admixture coming across the boarder or ANY European boarder for that matter. I'm far more aligned with my dominant Spanish heritage and other Europeans more broadly than anything outside of this sphere. It boils my blood and makes me want commit certain acts in Minecraft, but I’m aware that it's par for the course of generalized collapse and to prepare accordingly to cultivate conditions for eugenic future generations
Why is a conspiracy - A group of globalists putting politicians who will do their bidding in power - more complex than every Western countries (around 50 completely different countries with their own culture, religions and geographical situations) all suddenly getting the same types of people with the same ethos and the same beliefs in power at the same time when that has never happened before in the past?
I present as my evidence Rishi Sunak, a nobody and a dwarf with the personality of an accountant and a Blairian presentation style who was clearly put in place by a financial coup by the City of London. Or another dwarf Macron, a man nobody had heard of who created a brand new party which had no firm policies that anyone could name becoming President of France from obscurity.
Apparently BLM and palestine friendly NGOs put out near instantly(within 24hours) celebratory "save palestine" style messages essentially celebrating hamas brutality. It is baffling how callous these organizations can be, it fits this video topic but how far it has gone that killing is okay. These orgs try to cater fanarmy of supporters just like that narcissistic girl group example, as that logic would crumble when leader is gone. Liberals dont seem to get along well so they favor strong leader, but internally that may not be pleasant position as no one is safe from brutal criticism.
But the fast timing of these makes me think this is highly organized, deliberate things. Just to compare these events with innocent looking apology lunches.
These resemble more mundane things like game console brand "wars", nike shoe fights and other ways brands use this dynamic to their favor but when news pickup stories that someone was killed and their product stolen, these companies sheer away from responsibility. So executive level must be full of liberal narcissistic people with high level of ruthlessness. I cant think but compare NGOs and companies in this regard, both are operated similar fashion. Of course these people seem to have always plan B or C if they get caught, ie mansion in other side of world or "friend" who can host them while people are raging in streets. But as we live in dangerous times now, not some happy 1990s where brand rivalries were biggest dangerous thing, foreign powers use this weakness. Medieval europe must have plenty of stories like this, like corporate world, where your kingdom crumbled or was overrun and you got to be new CEO or king/queen in new realm... if lucky, as lot of competition for these scenarios.
One curious thing I learned that chinese (CCP) dont like religious people. I wonder why, but I guess conviction, beliefs are something "untrustworthy", somehow nonliberal, which they need for their world domination plan. Some religious people, christians, are very progressive, so these are not wholly exclusive things, but traitors dont suit well with any religious group(some topics they are progressive but family is still core thing and traitors dont fit that concept well).
There's plenty more of this stuff, including papers for US Naval Intelligence telling us how and why immigration could be used as a weapon against a country, what are the issues and how to get around them and make it work.
I was thinking about this and the rise of bureaucracy. If you lose the group values you start to see people around you as a competition. This will cause you to not trust other people and when there is any problem you will demand a new regulation/law because otherwise the other people would do "something bad". Which at the end self destruct economy and human relationships.
Luxury beliefs will not be extinguished until these narcissists are forced to live with the same consequences their beliefs impose upon others. Unfortunately, as with the self-anointed elites in San Francisco and all big blue cities, these luxury belief holding narcissists enjoy being at the top of the heap, royalty looking down upon the dirty masses. Makes 'em feel good, all tingly and superior, doncha know. When they no longer have that luxury, they will reap their just rewards.
Correct. If the right wants to win and wants to move the US back to what it could be it needs to read "Rules for radicals" by Saul Alinsky and use his tactics, which have been successfully been used against them. Rule 4 : "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Whilst I agree with your direction of those weasel liberals I’m not convinced this is an either or. Seems to me that the people controlling Biden (and Trudeau and Sunak etc.) worked out a long time ago how to allow the weak, self interested, devious liberal minority to leverage the conscience and agreeableness of the conservative majority to assert control using a disaster de jour e.g. global warming or pandemics. Perhaps the answer is conspiracy to weaponise liberal traitors?
I can see good old roman tactic of divide and conquer (woke vs non woke, fund both sides as oil company). That causes russian style apolitical ignorance. Then introduce fanarmy, cult following for companies, essentially liberal entities, as replacement for good old local human or region based tradition filled communities with actual values. Then take away any jobs where person has self control, ie handicraft, pride -> outsourced. Thus no wonder US economy financial sector is 25% of GDP, just pushing money around. When everyone is selling something and then buying something else, that is ideal liberal playground. Mafia gangs tell there is no godfather style loyalty, just money. No money=no loyalty.
I see constant playbook like "what about the children" when more conservatives try to talk issues. It is not disaster, but sort of propaganda to shove picture of unhappy kid in bad environment to stop discussion. Companies do this too, shock value. Conspiracy IMHO is consequence of all this as people are constantly gaslighted and depressed, to seek anything tangible and why they feel things are not adding up. For many liberal people world is very black n white, they are right, so there is no need for conspiracies, you're just dumb to not realise how things actually are. This fits well with narcissistic people, but that may be only coincidence, as best liberals are very skillful deliberate people, while narcissists look dumb and not likeable from outside. Also this fits with good times creating more of these people, as their parents handled things well, so they are unaware of how things could go wrong, giving this easy careless confidence, but also prone to any propaganda/biased takes, as not much cracks in their worldview allow assessing information. Granted subsection of liberals are those who suffered as kid from all this, and to survive, must seemingly adapt to escape poverty.
So recent talk of polarization is not in their best interest, as risk is to loose.... they had much better time undercover, seemingly small, harmless minority than now. 10% minority can be pretty strong while realist people say oh they are so small, you must be onto conspiracy. If they grow bigger, as leader and in spotlight, their hollow content start to show up. So to think them like good old thieves, as long as 95% are honest workers, there is something to steal, daily life runs smoothly. But if 20% are thieves, soon they are stealing from eachother and cannibalizing community, as rest of people move out elsewhere. Nobody to replace broken streetlights, broken doors and so on.
But you are right, they are very good in PR and communication to make other side disarmed despite they actually have better solution and answers to things. But this also means ruthless silencing of conservatives trying to bring truth(scientists, social media,..), as many seemingly liberals would be hungry for real information. This is part of democracy, simply numbers game that they need so many votes to keep majority. But having loud minority and polarization bully discussion seemed to work in this favor.
Good idea. They will go anywhere the wind blows.
Well put Matt.
I wonder how this liberal adaptation evolved originally. Maybe working with nearby tribes (trade, etc) to get an edge over those who stayed exclusively within the tribe.
Makes sense why social democrat movements flock these liberals.... also cant be liberal in engineering, machines dont care about virtue signaling (well company goes bust if they make this mistake... extroverted people seem to flock towards liberals, only way I can think smart educated people do these stupid policy changes).
So why are these liberals rampant in society? If they dont have kids, how on earth enough of them are in rule... Also, artists/creative people, which Id think as these kind of liberals, are minority in society, some 5-10% only (I dont count engineers in this class despite Richard Florida thought so; it is boring profession where rules matter 90%+ of industry). So perhaps liberals, artists have exceptional verbal skills and seek to professions like PR management, advertisement and others, where they can use social media type megaphone to spread their thinking?
The fertility reset has only just kicked in. Give it a few generations. The based under 20s today are far more based than my generation. They will inherit the Earth.
About time, could be sooner, that which one of your videos(possibly many others) you pointed things have changed much quicker than anticipated and social media is one factor nowadays making these things faster.
But to my point, mental health issues in my view are because liberals took whole societies hostage by taking over key positions (PM in canada) which forces their value system to majority of people and thus whole culture ... but that creates mental health issues as values are somewhat inherent, part of identity, even biology, so cant change them but as we all need to eat, we must adapt to get job and get along, but majority of society cant be liberals as that is cannibalizing feature, so makes sense majority would be mild conservatives, but have to "virtue signal" just to not be taken to jail, so to speak. As these valuesets are so pervasive, especially for young people, digging into identity and self worth and purpose in society and globe, Jordan Peterson style existential crisis is inherent. My viewpoint to young adults is that they are "extended time teenagers" who have strong opinions but to counter that and volatile age, need strong base for life, not existential crisis in every second of life current western life has been for decades.
Most interesting tidbit of this elite is that, they are often happily married and very traditional lifestyle while preaching to everyone else this gospel of liberalism.... am I mixing groups of people or how these are connected? Some academic called these "luxury beliefs" which work for elite but are very detrimental to lower segments of society. But it fits to this traitor , crossover alignment, ie totally normative heterosexual person is catering to homosexuals, other religious groups and so on.
I wish we could just grow a pair and eliminate the boat smugglers.
More would appear because there is good money in it. You have to change the law to say that says illegals are deported immediately and are not entitled to govt paid lawyers or appeals in country. That is, if you aren't here legally, you are deported back to the country you came from and can appeal from there at your own expense.
A knight comes running into his residence within in the castle and announces to his wife the walls have been breached by the invading hordes as he gathers up his weapons and armor and prepares to meet the enemy. Having so armed himself and on his way out he sees his wife seated at her vanity dressed in her finest clothing putting on makeup. The knight gasps in shock and says to her “Have you not heard me exclaim the news of the castle breach?” She turns to him and says “Yes I have my dear husband.”
Clearly there evolved within the human species two distinct personalities to deal with mortal threats from attacking enemies. Ever wonder which political persuasion within the fortification opted for surrender or simply opened the gates in the dead of night to allow the enemy in to avoid a complete slaughter?
As a Hispanic I am disgusted about any low class individuals of overwhelmingly non European admixture coming across the boarder or ANY European boarder for that matter. I'm far more aligned with my dominant Spanish heritage and other Europeans more broadly than anything outside of this sphere. It boils my blood and makes me want commit certain acts in Minecraft, but I’m aware that it's par for the course of generalized collapse and to prepare accordingly to cultivate conditions for eugenic future generations
Why is a conspiracy - A group of globalists putting politicians who will do their bidding in power - more complex than every Western countries (around 50 completely different countries with their own culture, religions and geographical situations) all suddenly getting the same types of people with the same ethos and the same beliefs in power at the same time when that has never happened before in the past?
I present as my evidence Rishi Sunak, a nobody and a dwarf with the personality of an accountant and a Blairian presentation style who was clearly put in place by a financial coup by the City of London. Or another dwarf Macron, a man nobody had heard of who created a brand new party which had no firm policies that anyone could name becoming President of France from obscurity.
Speaking as the silent majority rather than the loud minority, BRING BACK THE OLD SILLY INTROS and no editing
Apparently BLM and palestine friendly NGOs put out near instantly(within 24hours) celebratory "save palestine" style messages essentially celebrating hamas brutality. It is baffling how callous these organizations can be, it fits this video topic but how far it has gone that killing is okay. These orgs try to cater fanarmy of supporters just like that narcissistic girl group example, as that logic would crumble when leader is gone. Liberals dont seem to get along well so they favor strong leader, but internally that may not be pleasant position as no one is safe from brutal criticism.
But the fast timing of these makes me think this is highly organized, deliberate things. Just to compare these events with innocent looking apology lunches.
These resemble more mundane things like game console brand "wars", nike shoe fights and other ways brands use this dynamic to their favor but when news pickup stories that someone was killed and their product stolen, these companies sheer away from responsibility. So executive level must be full of liberal narcissistic people with high level of ruthlessness. I cant think but compare NGOs and companies in this regard, both are operated similar fashion. Of course these people seem to have always plan B or C if they get caught, ie mansion in other side of world or "friend" who can host them while people are raging in streets. But as we live in dangerous times now, not some happy 1990s where brand rivalries were biggest dangerous thing, foreign powers use this weakness. Medieval europe must have plenty of stories like this, like corporate world, where your kingdom crumbled or was overrun and you got to be new CEO or king/queen in new realm... if lucky, as lot of competition for these scenarios.
One curious thing I learned that chinese (CCP) dont like religious people. I wonder why, but I guess conviction, beliefs are something "untrustworthy", somehow nonliberal, which they need for their world domination plan. Some religious people, christians, are very progressive, so these are not wholly exclusive things, but traitors dont suit well with any religious group(some topics they are progressive but family is still core thing and traitors dont fit that concept well).
If you think it isn't a conspiracy, read this. -
"EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief"
There's plenty more of this stuff, including papers for US Naval Intelligence telling us how and why immigration could be used as a weapon against a country, what are the issues and how to get around them and make it work.
I was thinking about this and the rise of bureaucracy. If you lose the group values you start to see people around you as a competition. This will cause you to not trust other people and when there is any problem you will demand a new regulation/law because otherwise the other people would do "something bad". Which at the end self destruct economy and human relationships.
Luxury beliefs will not be extinguished until these narcissists are forced to live with the same consequences their beliefs impose upon others. Unfortunately, as with the self-anointed elites in San Francisco and all big blue cities, these luxury belief holding narcissists enjoy being at the top of the heap, royalty looking down upon the dirty masses. Makes 'em feel good, all tingly and superior, doncha know. When they no longer have that luxury, they will reap their just rewards.
Correct. If the right wants to win and wants to move the US back to what it could be it needs to read "Rules for radicals" by Saul Alinsky and use his tactics, which have been successfully been used against them. Rule 4 : "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."