One difference between old-fashioned RP and modern 'educated' English is that in the latter the word law is often pronounced as lore, e.g. lore-abiding, lore enforcement. Which changes the meaning in a mildly amusing way.
Profesor I would find it very interesting if one were to analyse the idea of what seems to be one of the leading primatologists | Frans de Waal | that the traditional mainstream idea of “Alpha male” is fundamentally wrong.
This came to my knowledge whilst I found out that another very socially mainstream idea that which states that wolves also have a very linear hierarchy is also completely wrong. And that the guy spreading such an idea which was conceived in the 40’s as a result of studying wolves in captivity has been trying to completely change the idea he helped put into the public.
As always science always changes and I would like to hear some based thoughts on that.
Ed, I see a lot of disobedient students. One thing goes in common with me sending them outside for 5 minutes to calm down: extraversion. Not neuroticism. My neurotic students are shy and obedient. Your whole theory underpinned by GFP is wrong. The agreeable aspects of it are fine but GFP is BS.
What about the effects of climate? After the boom Medieval warm period we got the Little Ice Age causing the death of half the population in under 10 years. With so many dying in the 14th century that would cause a hardening of the populace, Church and State : Hard times make hard men.
Thomas Aquinas died in 1274 which fits nicely with the Little Ice Age which started around then, it may be that his ideas were taken up because of the disasters that followed shortly after. I've also read that Roman law was being studied again and there was a growing move towards state law rather than territorial or tribal law under Charlemagne, don't know how true this is because I haven't read enough on the subject.
An interesting argument. Is there a parallel in the African slave trade? Who would be enslaved? The most passive and agreeable. Who would remain behind? The most criminal and predatory. Do we see any evidence of this?
I've thought about this for some time, the slavers stayed near the coast because disease caused by going up river meant almost certain death for white people. The tribes therefore brought captured slaves down river to the coast be sold or bartered.
Now if you're a tribal chief and you've got a problem individual (maybe someone challenging your authority) then when you get to the coast guess who gets sold? It would also send a message to everyone else in the tribe that you'd better behave or you'll never be seen again.
I should think tribes would sneak into another tribe's territory and ambush some poor goat herders or kids left behind while the men were away hunting. By the time they got back to their village of course they'd have fought off 200 terrifically savage warriors, just escaping with their lives, this being the most savage of them etc etc.
In a pre-industrial society, a slave is just another mouth to feed. There has been slavery since history was written but it never took off until the Industrial Age made a meat machine capable of producing more value than it consumed. The plantation system transformed the slavers in Africa and the near east into what we know.
Slaves weren't just an extra mouth to feed, they were productive units that you could sell if you didn't need them. Plus you could breed them and sell the offspring. If you had a farm they raised their own food so their cost was next to zero.
And the slave trade was enormous before the West African slave trade started, the Arabs enslaved millions of white Europeans and black Africans.
I respectfully disagree. The industrial revolution enabled the plantation system and the large-scale slavery that drove it. Before that the price of keeping a slave healthy was so prohibitively high that only the most productive of tradesmen could afford even one. Slaves were as much a status symbol among the elites as exotic pets. Sex slavery was common and sex slaves were bought and sold but it wasn't and still isn't in a class with plantation slavery.
So how do these go together with roman empire being constantly at war + gladiator games later... + christian people had near constant uprisings there until one emperor took it part of mainstream.
+ notion that early christian congregations were mostly women due to that personality trait and they had more to gain I guess.
I get this Dutton logic, it explains how humans dont have "alpha male" like primates but crowd control, ie death sentence or isolation in prison, essentially mob rule decided you are no good to roam free.
Even before reading Dr Dutton's work I questioned the utility of prison to "rehabilitate" those too low in intelligence, agreeableness and conscientiousness to stay out of trouble with the law. I have often wondered what effects a return to harsh policing and punishment would have?
It is tradeoff and balancing act... agreeableness can be dangerous when barbarians, tribal people or modern mongolians come without any agreeableness or kindness towards your people. Likely growing right wing popularity in almost all of west is asking for stronger boundaries for people and especially in harsh cases. Also it is matter of cost benefit analysis, rehab of person takes lot of time ie manpower of skilled expensive experts (psychiatrist, psychologists and so on)..... if we are headed towards tougher times financially, that should automatically shift "window" of that question to less resources given to prisoners, perhaps to families with kids(which is biggest weakness now in many places). Id imagine post WW2 there wasnt much afterthought in these matters as so much to do just to survive. Problem with prisons are that those are expensive to run for each inmate. Common solutions seems to be keep some very few people for life. Then again we know harsh policing dont work if bureaucracy is simply too complicated and burdensome for regular people so they avoid it and possibly do illegal things. That is grey line society needs to adjust. Then again cost matter, UK has plenty of small islands, favorite in past centuries to isolate people. So in short rehab works in "good times" when there is actual mismatch of person and medical and other capabilities to narrow that gap that they could find a job and so on. It seems unlikely death penalty would come back, of course wartime laws would allow that. Now big problem is politically correct and politics intervening to all grassroots level of everything, ie preventing implementations of those laws in some cases (this person made crime, oops he is immigrant(but illegal) so that overrides any other punishments, and so on). Forgot who talked of it that leftists have purposefully created multiple sets of rules because they cant disapprove human rights and all those most of us were taught to know. People usually respond better when punishments are hard but very clear so they expect them or friend can remind of it. Now it is not so.
Phrased like a fan of Dr Dutton. Yes, the conditions drive the moral equations and attitudes toward crime and punishment. In that sense, the US penal system is definitely a First World country's problem. Under harsher conditions much less of a transgression would get one banished or killed.
While the masses have obviously been breed into sheep, in some societies more than in others, just like we have quickly domesticated wild and dangerous aurochs into docile cattle, the various elites probably kept selecting for anti-social behaviour paired with intelligence, paired with an inclination for criminal debauchery (rings of people blackmailing each other is one of the most effective way to enforce social in-group behaviour among psychopaths, while producing stable structures and mutual security).
And it seems they did a jolly well job!
Now that the sheep are soon not as abundantly needed anymore to create wealth (or so today's futurists seem to believe, and I tend to agree), we have created the perfect situation to rid ourselves of large swaths of the sheep / useless eaters. The carbon reduction and vaccination religions we so successfully witnessed manifesting itself just needed a few decades of preparation, a few billions in funding, a spectacular psyop, and -voila- we have created the greatest suicide cult in history.
If you don't see that now, wait for the next pandemic :).
Too late for most of the sheep. The sling is already around the neck, and getting tighter and tighter with each movement. But quite a few hypnotised predators still have a chance to wake up. It took millions of years for our ancestors to become the most successful alpha predators on earth; you cannot outbreed these genes in a mere 200 generations.
Those woken up: Attacking and and feeding on the criminal debauchery, laziness, and corruption of the elite will even their chance of survival.
For the post-futurist society I see two main possible scenarios:
1. The currently corrupted elite (corrupted over centuries) pulls through with their plan, utterly enslaving or killing the rest of humanity, and most probably eventually eradicating themselves, because of their inherent weaknesses (debauchery rings need a social/ethically mass watching them for its stabilising mechanism to work).
2. Non-elite survivors manage to create a successful religion that allows them to unite and outsmart the current elite, laying the new foundation for a future humanity. Important characteristics: backbone, intelligence, decisiveness, courage, integrity, strong resistance to temptation and corruption on the one hand, and to psychopathic (judeo-christian) control mechanisms like guilt and shame on the other hand.
Off topic, since I don't know how to write to you personally. Sir, whoever advised you not to do skits is injecting normie blood up his veins. I think they're hilarious, and trying show off, to pretend, to act serious is a normie shit and popularity game. Only a fucking midwit retard would think that because you've put on a wing in one of your videos automatically discredits what you have to say. I understand that you having broader audience would be beneficial to all of us, but please don't lose your touch.
If Livy was correct, more people (almost all females) than christians, were from the cult of baccus, died in the arena. that too would have had an effect.....
One difference between old-fashioned RP and modern 'educated' English is that in the latter the word law is often pronounced as lore, e.g. lore-abiding, lore enforcement. Which changes the meaning in a mildly amusing way.
Some Chinese guy over a decade ago wrote an essay” Why are Chinese s boring?” He makes exactly the same argument.
centuries of whackamole "sticking nail" got hit it back, will do that.
Sounds like Soros-backed "sentencing reform" by liberal prosecutors is an even bigger threat to the future than it is to the present.
2:45 Naa!
"I'm just pulling your leg. It's crucifixion, really."
Prof Dutton, could you please post a link to the Frost & Harpending paper?
Thank you.
Profesor I would find it very interesting if one were to analyse the idea of what seems to be one of the leading primatologists | Frans de Waal | that the traditional mainstream idea of “Alpha male” is fundamentally wrong.
This came to my knowledge whilst I found out that another very socially mainstream idea that which states that wolves also have a very linear hierarchy is also completely wrong. And that the guy spreading such an idea which was conceived in the 40’s as a result of studying wolves in captivity has been trying to completely change the idea he helped put into the public.
As always science always changes and I would like to hear some based thoughts on that.
FYI Pope Francis has called for the end of the death sentence worldwide
Always interesting to see him and George Soros on the same page.
Ed, I see a lot of disobedient students. One thing goes in common with me sending them outside for 5 minutes to calm down: extraversion. Not neuroticism. My neurotic students are shy and obedient. Your whole theory underpinned by GFP is wrong. The agreeable aspects of it are fine but GFP is BS.
What about the effects of climate? After the boom Medieval warm period we got the Little Ice Age causing the death of half the population in under 10 years. With so many dying in the 14th century that would cause a hardening of the populace, Church and State : Hard times make hard men.
Thomas Aquinas died in 1274 which fits nicely with the Little Ice Age which started around then, it may be that his ideas were taken up because of the disasters that followed shortly after. I've also read that Roman law was being studied again and there was a growing move towards state law rather than territorial or tribal law under Charlemagne, don't know how true this is because I haven't read enough on the subject.
Just a theory.
An interesting argument. Is there a parallel in the African slave trade? Who would be enslaved? The most passive and agreeable. Who would remain behind? The most criminal and predatory. Do we see any evidence of this?
I've thought about this for some time, the slavers stayed near the coast because disease caused by going up river meant almost certain death for white people. The tribes therefore brought captured slaves down river to the coast be sold or bartered.
Now if you're a tribal chief and you've got a problem individual (maybe someone challenging your authority) then when you get to the coast guess who gets sold? It would also send a message to everyone else in the tribe that you'd better behave or you'll never be seen again.
actually the african tribes hunted people who were simply weaker, (smaller tribes)...they traded human being for horses, which helped them gather more slaves.....
There is also the fact that many of the men enslaved were warriors of vanquished tribes. Definitely not the people you want to keep around afterwards.
I should think tribes would sneak into another tribe's territory and ambush some poor goat herders or kids left behind while the men were away hunting. By the time they got back to their village of course they'd have fought off 200 terrifically savage warriors, just escaping with their lives, this being the most savage of them etc etc.
In a pre-industrial society, a slave is just another mouth to feed. There has been slavery since history was written but it never took off until the Industrial Age made a meat machine capable of producing more value than it consumed. The plantation system transformed the slavers in Africa and the near east into what we know.
Slaves weren't just an extra mouth to feed, they were productive units that you could sell if you didn't need them. Plus you could breed them and sell the offspring. If you had a farm they raised their own food so their cost was next to zero.
And the slave trade was enormous before the West African slave trade started, the Arabs enslaved millions of white Europeans and black Africans.
very true..
I respectfully disagree. The industrial revolution enabled the plantation system and the large-scale slavery that drove it. Before that the price of keeping a slave healthy was so prohibitively high that only the most productive of tradesmen could afford even one. Slaves were as much a status symbol among the elites as exotic pets. Sex slavery was common and sex slaves were bought and sold but it wasn't and still isn't in a class with plantation slavery.
So how do these go together with roman empire being constantly at war + gladiator games later... + christian people had near constant uprisings there until one emperor took it part of mainstream.
+ notion that early christian congregations were mostly women due to that personality trait and they had more to gain I guess.
I get this Dutton logic, it explains how humans dont have "alpha male" like primates but crowd control, ie death sentence or isolation in prison, essentially mob rule decided you are no good to roam free.
Even before reading Dr Dutton's work I questioned the utility of prison to "rehabilitate" those too low in intelligence, agreeableness and conscientiousness to stay out of trouble with the law. I have often wondered what effects a return to harsh policing and punishment would have?
It is tradeoff and balancing act... agreeableness can be dangerous when barbarians, tribal people or modern mongolians come without any agreeableness or kindness towards your people. Likely growing right wing popularity in almost all of west is asking for stronger boundaries for people and especially in harsh cases. Also it is matter of cost benefit analysis, rehab of person takes lot of time ie manpower of skilled expensive experts (psychiatrist, psychologists and so on)..... if we are headed towards tougher times financially, that should automatically shift "window" of that question to less resources given to prisoners, perhaps to families with kids(which is biggest weakness now in many places). Id imagine post WW2 there wasnt much afterthought in these matters as so much to do just to survive. Problem with prisons are that those are expensive to run for each inmate. Common solutions seems to be keep some very few people for life. Then again we know harsh policing dont work if bureaucracy is simply too complicated and burdensome for regular people so they avoid it and possibly do illegal things. That is grey line society needs to adjust. Then again cost matter, UK has plenty of small islands, favorite in past centuries to isolate people. So in short rehab works in "good times" when there is actual mismatch of person and medical and other capabilities to narrow that gap that they could find a job and so on. It seems unlikely death penalty would come back, of course wartime laws would allow that. Now big problem is politically correct and politics intervening to all grassroots level of everything, ie preventing implementations of those laws in some cases (this person made crime, oops he is immigrant(but illegal) so that overrides any other punishments, and so on). Forgot who talked of it that leftists have purposefully created multiple sets of rules because they cant disapprove human rights and all those most of us were taught to know. People usually respond better when punishments are hard but very clear so they expect them or friend can remind of it. Now it is not so.
Phrased like a fan of Dr Dutton. Yes, the conditions drive the moral equations and attitudes toward crime and punishment. In that sense, the US penal system is definitely a First World country's problem. Under harsher conditions much less of a transgression would get one banished or killed.
What is the name of your paper on religious renunciation?
While the masses have obviously been breed into sheep, in some societies more than in others, just like we have quickly domesticated wild and dangerous aurochs into docile cattle, the various elites probably kept selecting for anti-social behaviour paired with intelligence, paired with an inclination for criminal debauchery (rings of people blackmailing each other is one of the most effective way to enforce social in-group behaviour among psychopaths, while producing stable structures and mutual security).
And it seems they did a jolly well job!
Now that the sheep are soon not as abundantly needed anymore to create wealth (or so today's futurists seem to believe, and I tend to agree), we have created the perfect situation to rid ourselves of large swaths of the sheep / useless eaters. The carbon reduction and vaccination religions we so successfully witnessed manifesting itself just needed a few decades of preparation, a few billions in funding, a spectacular psyop, and -voila- we have created the greatest suicide cult in history.
If you don't see that now, wait for the next pandemic :).
Too late for most of the sheep. The sling is already around the neck, and getting tighter and tighter with each movement. But quite a few hypnotised predators still have a chance to wake up. It took millions of years for our ancestors to become the most successful alpha predators on earth; you cannot outbreed these genes in a mere 200 generations.
Those woken up: Attacking and and feeding on the criminal debauchery, laziness, and corruption of the elite will even their chance of survival.
For the post-futurist society I see two main possible scenarios:
1. The currently corrupted elite (corrupted over centuries) pulls through with their plan, utterly enslaving or killing the rest of humanity, and most probably eventually eradicating themselves, because of their inherent weaknesses (debauchery rings need a social/ethically mass watching them for its stabilising mechanism to work).
2. Non-elite survivors manage to create a successful religion that allows them to unite and outsmart the current elite, laying the new foundation for a future humanity. Important characteristics: backbone, intelligence, decisiveness, courage, integrity, strong resistance to temptation and corruption on the one hand, and to psychopathic (judeo-christian) control mechanisms like guilt and shame on the other hand.
Off topic, since I don't know how to write to you personally. Sir, whoever advised you not to do skits is injecting normie blood up his veins. I think they're hilarious, and trying show off, to pretend, to act serious is a normie shit and popularity game. Only a fucking midwit retard would think that because you've put on a wing in one of your videos automatically discredits what you have to say. I understand that you having broader audience would be beneficial to all of us, but please don't lose your touch.
Approaching Scotty Kilmer levels of hand waving.
If Livy was correct, more people (almost all females) than christians, were from the cult of baccus, died in the arena. that too would have had an effect.....