This gives new context why women look out for weight.... so it has afterall very important base to not die in childbirth. Many men are "taught" and accustomed to photoshopped women so it is not similar(they dont realize why they do this).
Obesity is yet another metric that tracks closely with dysgenics and demographic replacement. There are many others... crime, healthcare costs expenditures, failing grades, illegitimacy, illiteracy, crumbling infrastructure, national debt... the list goes on an on. Dutton and most everyone here knows this, it's obvious, but the extent to which our overlords go to hide this fact is incredible. Here are some kooky reasons off the top of my head that our propaganda masters use to explain these trends: racism from whites toward other races, whites suppressing and exploiting other races, and climate change. The fact is, pretty much all the craziness around us can be explained by darkening demographics. Go to the few near 100% white places still left... e.g. Vermont, Maine, Hungary, etc, and they don't have these problems.
Sterilize the low IQ, dysgenic masses: - private, voluntary, strongly EUGENIC. Donate & share. Save the West.
This gives new context why women look out for weight.... so it has afterall very important base to not die in childbirth. Many men are "taught" and accustomed to photoshopped women so it is not similar(they dont realize why they do this).
Obesity is yet another metric that tracks closely with dysgenics and demographic replacement. There are many others... crime, healthcare costs expenditures, failing grades, illegitimacy, illiteracy, crumbling infrastructure, national debt... the list goes on an on. Dutton and most everyone here knows this, it's obvious, but the extent to which our overlords go to hide this fact is incredible. Here are some kooky reasons off the top of my head that our propaganda masters use to explain these trends: racism from whites toward other races, whites suppressing and exploiting other races, and climate change. The fact is, pretty much all the craziness around us can be explained by darkening demographics. Go to the few near 100% white places still left... e.g. Vermont, Maine, Hungary, etc, and they don't have these problems.
Sterilize the low IQ, dysgenic masses: - private, voluntary, strongly EUGENIC. Donate & share. Save the West.