Well it makes sense, if these ladies had kids of their own, they wouldn’t have time, and wouldn’t want to expend even abstracted resources to support ‘others’...


there is a thing in relationships where, if the woman doesn’t get pregnant after so much time, she will lose interest in her current partner... and have a deep sense of the need to move on... it could be that this is in a certain sense being played out but on a grander scale... this culture wasn’t able to get her children... so she feels the need to basically in her small way, destroy her culture and bring in a new one, which ... bringing very different young men in..: may serve to bring fertility back into her culture.... thus improve the chance of getting her or others pregnant.

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That latter theory seems plausible, as ancient times they could just wait eventually another tribe/town invaded theirs and problem could be solved. Now it is a bit different form, but as Ed pointed out, this immigration en masse with majority of foreign men, aint far from that old situation.

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Dutton, could you make a video about the Hybristophilia? It's seems to be a epidemic of Hybristophilia on Brazil.

Despise all we know this woman will get killed in the end by the thug they still help and follow in love with them.

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Like those famous ride or die women that will do anything for their very very bad boy( literally career criminals)lover ?

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Worse than that, when the woman start to lose interested in then they start to treat the guy pretty bad and get killed by the thugs. They appear have no sense of fear.

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Or is it because young Western men have been feminized and rendered undesirable? These invaders are masculine.

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They are masculine, but not remotely what western women are supposedly looking for, Aka: 6:6:6, 6ft tall, 6 figure income, 6 pack abs. And you are correct obviously western men, especially left leaning are feminized. That’s what western women have asked and and pushed for. That’s what they got.

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This is why women are going to lose the equal rights we've had all my life.

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Well to be fair, they never or rarely were ‘equal rights’ but ‘special’ rights.

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Once upon a time women attained equal rights that they didn't have before, about fifty years ago. Now these whiny bitches think they deserve more rights, same as other inferior groups that can't get by on merit. An individual can always excel. In a group you are only as strong as your weakest link.

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In my experience women ask for one thing while wanting something completely different.

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I take it you’re not much of a mind reader?

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I was a little slow on the uptake when I was younger, now having watched the likes of Russell Brand become a sex symbol and finding out how he treated women it's fairly obvious women don't want a kind, sensitive and reliable man. They want a bit of a bastard who they then tame.

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(The minder reader part was a joke but I think you got that) yes, true, and more specifically women want what is branded (no pun intended) as high value: ‘women don’t build, they move in’ I heard recently... and seems to fit often, but not always... if a man is seen as high value, they want his genes (jeans off lol)... and being seen with him as an accessory (the man as their accessory, to be clear)... of course high value men like brand... see it different 99% of the time... and that’s why harems happen. Lol.

On a positive note: women want men who are bold, take action, are decisive, have a vision, and whom they feel they have to fight for... kinda a bad boy image..: and also, a sign of high fertility usually.

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So the societal perception of immigration is what makes women see these opportunists as vulnerable children?

If society changed its perception about immigration would that also change the attitudes of women? Because one could argue that western men of the same ages might make a better case in it of itself for being regarded as needing nurturing.

Or is it just that this nurturing instinct will attach itself to the closest most vulnerable thing it finds.

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With so many single and or childless women out there, I think latter, nurturing instinct, replacing anything they can coz no kids. Some have chance to have animals, but in urban city environment that is not always option + animals are quite costly too, so social work/volunteering kind of work seems fitting major young women (under 40) population , must be biological base in that. Women take dog or cat very quickly when they live alone.

As anecdote, I saw video clip of ukraine when dam was exploded, that one zoo near river was flooded and woman was crying uncontrollably, fitting to that video of Elene, italian woman case.

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I am a free subscriber to around 20 Substacks but only would pay for two, Prof. Dutton and Sam Kriss, who also has some fantastic insights. Today Sam Kriss has an essay on how certain historical figures were defied as saints during the Middle Ages, and as expressed in paintings.

One example that seemed particularly relevant to this Female Traitors article is Elisabeth of Hungary, known for her extreme charity to poor and sick peasants, reportedly much to the dislike of her husband who thought she was squandering his wealth. She died at age 24 and was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church in 1235.

I wonder if in addition to the mothering instinct with no other outlet, some part of the motivation of these females is they view their charity to immigrants as a holy mission, a secular acting out of Christian tradition that is still ingrained in our subconscious.

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Once again, excuse my insolence in contradicting you.

Forget pets and being single for a moment. I believe that women are more likely to be in favour of illegal immigrants BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN i.e. because they are emotional, hormonal, selfish and not very future oriented WITH REGARDS TO OTHERS. Those who are most moral are furthest away from the problem.

Sheer selfishness and virtue-signalling, Dr Dutton, are the MO of these women. This can also be seen very clearly in feminised men. Their patriotism has been blotted out and replaced by a faux-nurturing attitude where it is anathema to even conceive of protecting a nation's borders.

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Isn't it the constant stream of under sexed, fit young bucks who they know will be moving on that they like?

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How's Ed's view on theory I saw that if nurture thing becomes for woman, ie man shows emotions, vulnerability in relationship, this makes nurturing + relationship impossible combination, making that immigrant setup even more twisted and dangerous. So either nurturing need goes away and that person totally changes or as normal person there is no nurturing need (obvious food shortage, emotional stress or societal label, etc), woman instantly looses interest in adult male. Should do to adult female, possibly with kid aswell, as at that point envy, jealousy should come as they are direct competitors. This can be in growing up as boy too, ambivalent "mood swings" in moms parenting, sometimes it is nurturing, sometimes this expectation of growth, much more than for girls perhaps.

Commonality in these migrants and family situation is that all those women are primarily using community/shared/not their personal resources. To me seems nurturing instinct includes exclusion of outgroup people(outside immediate family) and heavy priorisation to those needing nurture. So I wonder how this priorisation works , ie if 100 kids start to ask for food and she doesnt have (has to pay from personal savings, which may also happen).

Though one darkside of these are that many western women know they gain status from kids or nurturing, so they want monetary benefit from this status. Ie get status first (mom), then money and benefits later. During ukrainians coming, lot of people invited them to home at first, but couple months later reported things had changed when people couldnt get any benefits for hosting them.

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Hi Ed or an administrator, I have a friend who would like to come along to the IRL. Are there any tickets left? If not, could he chance his arm and just turn up? Cheers.

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I have heard that there is a growing need for counselling for women whose pets have died.

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ed, do you know curt doolittle? he talks about sex differences in cognition being the origin of most modern issues too. i suspect interviewing him would be very interesting

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On the other hand, what does this say about the fitness of men in their 20's and 30's to become responsible husbands and fathers? Indeed, gals of that same age are grasping for substitutes. A Dutton 'study' of males this prime age is also necessary.

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This is no study, but at the moment my retreat at a Benedictine Catholic monastery is about to end. There are young males here, but no young women. I assume they're all on social media or whoring.

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Days, not following your reply here. Thanks.

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Personally I believe the sex-nurture spectrum might be 2 independent spectrums that overlap. I think you might be able to both be low on sex and nurture but conversely be also high on both. I don’t know if this pans out research wise but I’ve seen it work like that in my personal experience.

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I lean on same view, those are different, even at times excluding (so many stories how nurturing of their small child totally destroys interest in sex in marriages, almost overnight). For women no trouble being without sex for weeks. But this nurturing thing is wired in brain, daily, minute level thing of worry. It may be "enabled" by first child to overdrive, but of course is there since childhood to varying degree.

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