Murray is just continuing to push forward with his liberalism. He has always said he doesn't like Islam because Islam is opposed to liberalism. So the repatriation of extremely ideological muslims isn't really anything new. But it is interesting to hear Farage, Murray, Hopkins and their ilk now talking about more extreme measures.

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Interesting that Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinsom were just reinstated on X, too.

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Just another attempt to round people up and put them back on social media where they can be programmed by their feed. Murray is backed by the same people who back Peterson and Ben Rubin - Jews. That's the only reason he's saying that now.

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We'll see what happens in the elite circles. The plutocrat faction will probably still be for mass immigration for economic reasons. But this would speak to a shift in coalitions within the elite which political change can happen in that kind of an environment. But then again we will see.

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It isn't necessarily the case that Murray's 'mainstream' prominence and socioeconomic status were acquired by his astute social skills and awareness of knowing what he can say and get away with. Notice how, on the question of Israel, there's a proximity between his 'edgy' position and the US/UK government position.

You'll remember his book, "The Madness of Crowds - Gender, Race and Identity", in which he theorises about why groups in society continue down a path beyond the point of diminishing returns and onto self-detriment (who doesn't remember the train arriving at the station analogy?) Like Jordan Peterson, Murray's outspoken views, particularly around the pandemic response, have made him very popular among large parts of the 'freedom movement'. However, when Joe Rogan raised the topic of the mass rollout of the experimental 'vaccines' and ensuing coercion of the public (including mandates for public workers) his response was "that's not in my wheelhouse". Conspicuously, he couldn't apply his own theory which would clearly contradict the US/UK government position.

I'm not suggesting Murray (or Peterson for that matter) is a government shill, more likely, at some point he's under the same branch of the hierarchy. Either way, I don't interpret Murray's very calculated 'outbursts' as anything other than carefully choreographed manoeuvres to maintain his trajectory.

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The Israel/Palestine issue is a special case on the Right inasmuch as Israel has a special status, particularly among the Christian Right. Deporting people who oppose the holy cause of Israel is acceptable in a way that would not be for any other foreign group that is critical of the host country and loyal to another: Hispanics, Chinese, Indians. Only Israel is accepted as a ethno-state that effectively practices apartheid, even among some on the Left.

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1) Israel has no special status

2) Murray isn't a Christian by any stetch of the imagination.

3) Christians don't give Israel a special status, some evengelicals and baptists do but that's because they have been misled.

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Douglas Murray is great -- The War on the West and The Strange Death of Europe were both outstanding. And of course, repatriation of the PoC masses would be a dream come true. Unfortunately, I believe it's just that -- a pipe dream. Let's walk through the logical proof: How do things like repatriation get enacted? Govt policy. And how does such policy get enacted? Politicians. And how do politicians get elected? Voters. And would vote for politicians that would support repatriation? White, Christian males. And how many of them does their need to be in order to win the vote? >51%. And does the demographically replaced voting populace have enough of them? No. Further, who influences the minds of the voters? Media, social media, marketing, TV, and Hollywood. And who controls those mediums, and thus the message? (((The chose people))). And what do (((they))) want? The Kalergi Plan -- i.e. to completely wipe out European genes from the face of the earth. So why would (((they))) allow repatriation to happen? They would not; they will not. Same story in the USA.

I don't mean to be cynical, but if you're looking to reverse the Great Replacement with "democracy," it is a problem of A. Math, and B. Messaging & propaganda. And Europeans have lost both of those battles long ago, irreversibly. IMHO spending resources and money on political crusades and hopes is squandered valuable resources and opportunity cost. The one thing I have seen that gives me hope that the Great Replacement can, in theory at least, be reversed, is: https://childfreebc.com/candidates/. This is a private (no affiliation with govt) service. Donors pay to sterilize dysgenic, low IQ individuals. If enough conservatives worldwide donate regularly to that site, in theory, we could sterilize the entire underclass of the world. As I understand they have already sterilized many blacks in the USA, saving future generations from having to deal with the o/w numerous illegitimate children they would have had. They can do the same in Europe -- these migrants will accept payment to undergo sterilization -- their IQs are low and their future orientation poor. Let's use these facts to our advantage. Jared Taylor did a video on CBC recently, but I have yet to see others on our side -- Murray, Dutton, Kevin MacDonald, Heather MacDonald, Amy Wax, Ann Coulter, Mark Dice, Paul Joseph Watson, Victor Davis Hanson, Brigitte Gabriel, Alex Jones, Katie Hopkins, Tommie Robinson, etc -- mention it at all. Hopefully they will, and you readers will donate and share it maximally. That's what I do. https://childfreebc.com/candidates/

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He isn't talking about repatriation, he's talking about repatriation of MUSLIMS to protect JEWS, who are the people who give Murray the money and protection he craves.

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Is Murray backed by (((them)))? I didn't know that. That's interesting, bc he is against non-muslim, 3rd world, hispanic illegal immigration through the US southern border too, and (((they))) are staunchly for that -- it too is part of their Kalergi Plan to decimate Europeans. It's a complicated web of conflicting interests out there.

I still think we should sterilize them all through CBC -- https://childfreebc.com/candidates/. This should be fairly easy to do for blacks & hispanics in the USA, they will take the money and run. It should be easy with african muslims too. But the middle eastern "real" muslims will be harder, despite many being incredibly low IQ, they are brainwashed to procreate maximally, even with their first cousins. But for the right price, I think they too would agree to being sterilized. As of now it looks like CBC has flat rates for all Candidates, based on age and sex, but in the future maybe they could have auction style pricing? e.g. the truly ghastly subjects would demand more money in order to undergo sterilization, with the threat that if someone didn't pony up, they would have children and pollute the world with their genes. I would pay them whatever I could; I want to spare my children and grandchildren from having to deal with their dysgenic offspring.

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Murray is 100% protected by them, that's why he's been "allowed" to say the things he has in his books. Just look at his website and you'll see why the neocons like having him https://douglasmurray.net/

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Very interesting. Yeah he is clearly on the "Fight for Israel at all costs" train. And deviancy of any sort -- homosexuality, transmania, feminism, woke'ism, etc -- is strongly embraced by (((them))), as (((they))) use those to subvert Western/European civilization. But it still doesn't quite make sense to me... he has written about and is clearly OPPOSED to the Great Replacement in both both Europe and in the USA, and not only by muslims, but by any and all non-Europeans. So doesn't that make him "one of us"? Controlled opposition... certainly a lot of people in that camp... Ben Shapiro is probably the biggest one, but there are others... Dennis Prager, Candace Owens, etc. But I never quite put Murray in that camp.

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Honestly I don't care what Douglas Murray thinks.

Having Douglas Murray as ideological gate keeper is so tiresome...

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Murray has such privilege it make's one long for the return to the Thirties - the 1330s. I can't say what I think should be done to him and his ilk. To quote the Grate Peter Sun: "I can't ... go there"

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I've read many Douglas Murray books over many years, but I have to warn you all now that he is definitely controlled opposition. He is there to collect the "strays" and bring them back into the right wing "Overton window". His appearance on "Trigonometry" shows exactly that, that show is there for no other reason.

Do NOT trust Murray or Trigonometry.

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Nov 10, 2023Edited
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It might help if you looked at the evidence look at what he says on his website. Then come back and tell me how this isn't 100% in the slot provided by Prager/Shapiro/Dave Rubins intellectual dark web nonsense.


Btw you clearly don't understand the Overton Window, and if you actually believe the boundaries of the Overton Window are set by the public you really are incredibly naive. It is set by the media, in fact that is the purpose of media organisations. Of course Murray can't "manipulate it", he doesn't own the media. But the people who own him own the media.

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Nov 10, 2023
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If not the public then who creates it exactly? How could the govt be "hemmed in" by something created by....well by who?

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Nov 10, 2023
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I couldn't give a shit what you "think" or how many substacks you read. I see no evidence you are able to make up your own mind or make a rational argument so if you could kindly piss off I've better things to do than reply to a halfwit

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... and yet here you are. Profanity is poverty of speech as the saying goes. The better analogy is it's like a spice. A dash in the right place can punch things up and grab a reader's attention. Conversely, get heavy-handed and it's like adding too much salt. It ruins he whole dish, or in this case your monologue. I deleted those comments so you can have the last word.

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Something to like about Douglas Murray is the ease at which he stops speaking at key points and gives his interviewers a chance to respond with their own thoughts on a point. If you watched Peter Brimelow he has a cultured way of using "uhs" to hold the floor while segueing into his next thought. Not really a negative since everything he has to say is interesting, just a different style pf speaking than Douglas Murray.

Most in the US aren't aware that in some countries a citizen can bring a private prosecution with law enforcement. Douglas Murray had lawyers notify the Home Secretary, Attorney General, and other officials that if they did not bring a case to deport Muhammad Qassem Sawalha, a Hamas military commander living in London, that Murry himself would bring a prosecution. It's one thing to talk about it.

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The ernormous cost would and absolutely no chance of success of such a case says to me Murray is just a mouthpiece for others.

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Like Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray is nobody's sock puppet. The gist of his position is we are in a war. If you follow Daniel Greenfield he has a piece out two days ago saying the same, "World War III Is Here And We’re Losing It". Nuclear weapons have changed warfare forever, and the 3rd World War has been going on for several years, where each can ultimately annihilate the other equally, but the other side has been winning on subversion, espionage, stealing intellectual property, buying influence, etc., things we are not looking at seriously enough and least prepared to defend against.

So whether Doulas Murray's private prosecution would be successful is besides the point. It's only one jihadist we are talking about anyway. Like Prof. Dutton's observation, what's important is that acceptable public discourse is shifting in a dramatic way.

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Again I point you at the facts. Just look at this and tell me he's "nobody's sock puppet" https://douglasmurray.net/articles/

You really have to understand who these people are and how they are paid.

As for Murray's private prosecution he a) couldn't afford it b) was never going to take one out because he understands how human rights law works. The fact he said he might is a real tell, no intelligent man is going to assume he can get someone deported from the UK when we've seen over the last 30 years how difficult it was for the govt to do so with limitless resources at their disposal.

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Nov 10, 2023
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Legal cases are never cheap, even if there were I can follow the biblical passage "You shall judge them by their fruit" as a way of judging. Did he start the case? No he didn't. Because he knew it would be a waste of time and a lot of money he doesn't have, as any lawyer would tell him (if they were honest)

I've listened to and read enough Murray to know what he thinks, I've given links showing his webpage which I've also read. Should I not trust what he says he believes on his own webpage?


Btw "Labor" is the American spelling, which probably explains why you've no idea how the Human Rights Act works or that him having a point is all very irrelevant . The right to a family life means that even if the govt did make a mistake there is no chance of the individual being booted out by the govt, let alone a private citizen.

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I'll defer to Prof. Dutton on the point.

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Repatriation really seems to be gathering social momentum. I’m seeing it discussed more openly and I do believe this past weekend on Memorial Day truly did spark a flame within the British people that no longer want to tolerate the intolerable. I think this is just the beginning.

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Murray is a zionist lackey.

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Konstantin Kisin says something very wrong. I can't find it now so it could be in one of their other Douglas Murray interviews. It concerns intellectuals and those who fancy themselves as intellectuals, and how they see the average citizen, the everyman, if they see him at all.

Kisin is talking about the correct world view and right frame of reference to view politics. He mentions the radical far left and MAGA and then says there has to be a "healthy" middle, the implication being that the 60,000,000 Americans who voted for Trump are "unhealthy".

If it was more nuanced he sure didn't say "Democrats" or "Build Back Better". Applying that same "unhealthy" lens to either means there is no middle, leaving a bunch intellectuals talking to themselves. Just as bad is leaving half the population out of the discussion,

It's a book-length subject. The short version is Trump voters by and large are just average (normal) people alarmed at what's happening to their country and who think that waiting for a better Trump could be too late. There is no one else. And Trump's parade of horribles? $2.35gal gas, a booming economy, low inflation, no new wars, The Abraham Accords, a glimpse at least of "Hope and Change" vs. the Marxist slogan and socialist shit hole it represents.. Yet the left have turned him into the devil incarnate.

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How is it a video of Douglas Murray calling for a Hamas terrorist living in London to be deported morph into a screed against Jews and Israel? Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organization in the UK. Want a snapshot of the world gone mad?

Muhammad Qassem Sawalha is not only a former/now Hamas commander, the UK government says he was in charge of Hamas terrorist operations in the West Bank and operating under several aliases. He then fled to the UK on a relative's passport and after a loving reception by lefties was given a discount of over 112,000 pounds on a Barnet Council two-story home worth around 320,700 pounds.

Taxpayer funded NGOs give illegals cash for the journey and when they arrive they are waived through by government counterparts here. In the US fake asylum claims been discarded entirely and illegals are being allowed in en masse with no paperwork at all. The latest scandal is Biden appointees directing BP officers to cut barbed wire fences holding back the invaders. As Douglas Murray says, these are not serious people.

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Not impressed

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Israel was able to take over Palestine and expand because they were backed by the Americans and British, no other reasons.

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The gay man that would let a rabbi spit in his mouth if told to will save the West

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