Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

I don't know how Prof. Dutton would come up with a comparison of Melei with Trump. He left out that Melei is an economist and author of several books on economics.

Isn't the problem with socialism an economics problem when you run out of other people's money? Pro. Dutton hit on that but may have missed the mark on Melei. On abortion, Republicans in the US have melted down their party but you can't assume the same in Argentina.

On the subject of madmen, I wonder if Prof. Dutton saw Biden's speech last year with the Nazi imagery and blood-red background, so Third Reich. Biden flanked by two Marines raised his fists and literally channeled Hitler railing that the biggest threat to America was white supremacy, sending the message that Democrats were ready to use the power of the state against any dissent. It was disgusting and funny at the same time.

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Im curious to see Melei start job. He wont have easy position as power balance is 50:50 already and may tip against him in local senate (idk correct naming scheme there). As he is economist, he has all basics to fullfill promises. I count extravagant style as theatrics needed in south america. Just like Trump did theatrics but needed to carefully look what he actually did as president, not his tweets.

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Also being an economist doesn't necessarily translate into the ability to get things done in politics and he's up against a century old tradition of government dysfunction.

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Castro sure made a career out of theatrics. The left have perfected duping the poor, same in Argentina. It will take something big to turn that ship around. Prof. Dutton prefers a more buttoned down politician, but that may be a luxury they cannot afford.

Similarly, I'm sure Prof. Dutton feels the same about Trump voters. To that I'd say they are just normal Americans who think waiting for a better Trump it might be too late. Milei is right about the leftards, they are ruthless, work 24/7, have no morals and will happily destroy anyone. I've come to realize even some of my neighbors would probably be OK with people being exterminated if sold on the idea they were enemies of democracy..

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I went to Cuba on holiday in the 1990s, Fidel was on the telly most nights with his ministers discussing whatever it is dictators discuss on telly. Meanwhile a country with every advantage in the world - Great climate, gas and oil, proximity to the US - was falling apart and the people starving.

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I think he's generally a turn for the better for Argentina. However, you lose me at free migration à la libertarianism. Free migration, if Argentina is able to turn the bad situation around, will just put them back to square one with a socialist government. Some of the migrants will probably be high skilled, but the majority low-skilled left-wing voters.

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If there is any form of welfare state, that will attract those who want to make use of it, ie the less economically successful.

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A Google search shows me that Argentina's president earns $131,000 USD annually, and purports that Milei's net worth is around $3M USD... while this isn't chump change, is it enough to prevent him from succumbing to the Siren's Song of kleptocracy? I'm leery. The late, great Lee Kuan Yew who played the largest role in turning Singapore from a backwater to an Asian Tiger in 40 years knew this, and all of his highest level politicians had salaries in the millions, to make them incorruptible -- after all, why risk a pretty solid base salary? This is why I believe that only independently wealthy individuals can be trusted in politics -- they already have plenty of money, and are thus incorruptible -- e.g. Trump, Vivek. Also, they have proved that they have business acumen, and know how to manage large organizations. Anyway, if Milei truly stands by his beliefs and truly implements free market principles and less govt into Argentina, there is no doubt that those will be successful and benefit the country. Let's hope he does that.

That said, I still believe that voting is pretty much a farce in most countries -- "If voting counted, they wouldn't let you do it." I firmly believe in privatized Eugenics to save the West: https://childfreebc.com/candidates/ - private, voluntary, strongly EUGENIC.

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Well then, America is 3yrs. post-madman. Dear Dr. Dutton, how long do you give the US to the start of total citizen revolt?

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This article in Aporia has a more complete explanation of why Melei won. It also details the disaster of open immigration enshrined in a laws passed in 2004-2010 as an inalienable human right, typical left wing claptrap. That of course made Argentina a magnet for poor Latin Americans attracted by the generous welfare benefits there.


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Nothing mad about slashing the state and getting workers to do productive things, that was the approach of Thatcher which was copied all over the world and it works! Of course she sold off far too much and for that I will never forgive her - Water, Gas, Electric should have remained in UK govt hands.

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"Sadly predictable." Also sadly true what Milei says about the left. And the arc is bending the same everywhere. Do you just write off people like Milei and Trump and hope for the best?

Prof. Dutton seems to have high hopes for embryo selection. A couple of unanswered questions: Aren't our would-be Dark Overlords likely to be the first adopters? This is a weapon everyone will want. China has been working for several years on genetic super soldiers.

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Milei will be just another bolsonaro, trump or meloni, a lot of promises but no action, and at the end all the strugle for Nothing

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

I was thinking about Johnson's Ditch yesterday. That creep needs to spend more time at the Western Front [rant over]

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