Based. The lot of it.

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A note for readers who hate feeding the Amazon beast. I just found to my delight that Woke Eugenics is available directly from your publisher, Imperium Press of Australia, in eBook format for a mere $11 US.

I doubt we will starve Mr. Bezos, but every little bit helps. BTW, there is only one review on Amazon, which forbids me posting my politically incorrect reviews. It will be available within a week or two on my site


I would be delighted if somebody would post it, as is or amended, under your name on Amazon.

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You were a real bonus to the UnHerd event, Ed. Good to meet you briefly at the bar.

Dashing photos!

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Is the crowd at UnHerd at all based? I always thought them a bit too blue-pilled, but my perception could be off.

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To give credit where credit is due, UnHerd are probably the most open-minded, semi-mainstream platform going in Britain. They host a multitude of different thinkers, including prominent leftists, but when they explore ideas on the right they don't shy away from some 'challenging' ideas.

At the present moment, you are never going to have completely based media aside from being chronically online, realistically speaking. However, I am encouraged by some of UnHerds platforming and intellectual curiosity.

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Sounds interesting, though I am always cautious that such "open forums" are actually there to identify those on the right for outing. Maybe I'm paranoid, but the last 20 years are what has made me so.

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Looking forward to the new content Mr. Dutton! I am considering taking up the offer of that yearly subscription. Funnily enough, the 20% discount that comes with it, does not seem to be applied to the amount that can be seen in the "Change menu" on the subscription screen. I am already a monthly drinker, does that have something to do with this, perhaps?

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I like the example Yarvin gives of the Moriori tribe. Too often we hear that because something occurs here and there in nature, it’s therefore good and admirable.

Well, maybe they can stay as hippies for a bit, but that will depend on their environment. Easy environment allows one to become lax and weak. Modern industrial, technological, and centralized society allows people to essentially make dire evolutionary missteps, which they don’t understand as missteps because they see no immediate consequences.

It’s only when they perceive their own mortality, the larger picture of life and death, and feel hardship that they start to perceive the contours of adaptive and maladaptive behaviour.

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Hubba hubba, ladies… I regret to inform you he’s taken.

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What camera and lens were used to take those photos? It can capture some beautiful shots. Were they shot in RAW format?

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Did you get my email about the payment issue? I am trying to resubscribe for a second year but it keeps rejecting every credit card I use. I either get a "you card number is wrong" message (the numbers aren't wrong) or a "your card was declined" (there's nothing wrong with the cards).

Is this happening with anyone else?

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