The Jolly Heretic: An update on our American adventure...
+ Budapest vlog goes public & some YouTube videos you might have missed!
Hello, hello, hello TJH locals!
As I’m sure you know, I’ve been in the US of A for the last couple of weeks filming a documentary on the rise and fall of civilisation. Apart from some low IQ in-flight absurdities (see below), it has been a most fruitful trip.
Here I am interviewing a dinosaur, for example:
Of course, there has been the occasional annoyance. When we approached the Golden Gate, for example, my director said "San Francisc-woah".
On the down side, I had to immediately beat him to death with my shoe. In better news, there was an exceedingly handy place to dump the body.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who are paid supporters to this Substack. Without your support, our film and general plans for world domination could not possibly come to fruition.
Last week, I released a TJH first, a “vlog” as I’m told the young people call it. The Budapest vlog was paywalled, but it’s now free for your viewing pleasure. All 47 minutes of it I might add!
If you enjoy even 5 minutes, please do consider supporting us for only $5.99 a month. That’s less than a pint in London! Or a half a gay cocktail in San Francisco.
Despite only starting this Substack a few months ago, we are #17 in the Top Paid Science Substacks. With your help, we can bring the gospel of based science to more heathens.
Now, if my producer gets his act together, we will hopefully be releasing an interview with the dissident writer Greg Johnson tomorrow. That will be an exclusive paid post. (We accidentaly emailed it yesterday, apologies).
In the mean time, here’s some YouTube content you might have missed:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
— Prof Dutton
"Or a half a gay cocktail in San Fransisco."
professor Dutton what would be a great online iq test you would recommend paid or otherwise