The Jolly Heretic
TJH Podcast
Escape from the Longhouse | Lomez

Paid episode

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Escape from the Longhouse | Lomez

From anonymity to the public eye.

In this episode, Jonathan Keeperman, formerly known as the anonymous writer Lomez, discusses the concept of "the longhouse" and how modern society has become irrevocably feminised.

We explore

how institutions are now dominated by feminine communication styles and conflict avoidance, leading to a focus on emotions over truth. Kiefer delves into topics like mass psychogenic illnesses, the dynamics of cancel culture, and how fringe groups are used as political pawns.

Keeperman also touches on the psychological impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns and how they may have contributed to social movements like Black Lives Matter, as well as sharing insights from his academic background and his current work running Passage Press.

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The Jolly Heretic
TJH Podcast
Interviews with dissidents and fascinating humans.